Movie Night (Kou X Reader)

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A/N: Okay due to popular demand, this story will become a series of one shots with more than just Yuma (cue fangirl screaming) PLEASE DO NOT CLOBBER ME WITH SUGGESTIONS, IT ONLY GETS ME MORE FRUSTRATED! (Which means no more fluffy fiction for you to read) LET THE SINNERS OF SACCARHINE UNITE! MUHAHAHA😈😈😈😈

You stood in front of your mirror brushing your hair.....humming to yourself softly

"Kou was really excited earlier about movie night tonight....well then again so am I...after all it's only gonna be the two of us this time..." You think to yourself as a blush tints your cheeks.

Soon you put the brush down and look in the mirror, your hair looked better now that you've brushed it, and the moonlight only made it look better.

Pulling the hood of your hoodie over your head, you walk down the hallway to Kou's room.

His room was pitch black except for the soft, small light of the TV. There was a small bucket of popcorn on the floor in front of it and a bowl full of cherries next to that.

"Eh? Where's Kou? I bet he's still taking a shower lol..." You think, smirking slightly, as you sit down on the floor, cuddling up with one of his pillows and taking a handful of popcorn to your mouth, your hood down.

You watch the movie for about 5 minutes before a you feel a soft nibbling on your ear.

"Hello M-Neko-chan! Seems like someone was in a rush to be here with me hmm?" Kou says nibbling on your ear, his arms snaked their way under your hoodie and around your waist, bringing you closer to him.

It took you about five seconds to realize he was shirtless as your back was against his bare chest, making you blush again. You blushed even harder when you realized where his hands were.

"Eh M-Neko-chan? You're not gonna say anything to me? Mhm...looks like I'll have to make you talk then..." Kou says lustfully as he traces his fingers over your stomach, making you gasp.

He then pulls your hoodie over your head, throwing it God knows where, and kisses your spine gently, making you moan softly.

"Now that's what I like to hear M-Neko-chan do! Still not good enough though...hmm...this'll be a lot of fun..." He whispers in your ear as he turned you around to face him.

You automatically straddled him as he kissed your shoulder tenderly, making his way to the base of your neck with his mouth. He sucks at your neck a little bit before sinking his fangs in, which made you moan a bit.

He kissed you all over and his fangs bit you in the most arousing places, til you were a sleepy, moaning mess in his arms.

"Aww...look at you M-Neko-chan...your a mess for me." He says seductively, picking you up and tossing you on the bed.

You could feel his arms wrap around you as you two cuddled together, the forgotten movie playing in the background, as you slowly fell asleep.

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