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Dedicated to missanjani

Rd and sanyukta was shocked to see the sight in front of them....

An aged men was tied in chair....

They ran to him and untied the rope....

Thank u...old man chipped and started coughing badly...

Sanyukta bring some water....rd said...

No...I am fine....that old man said...

Who r u??Sany asked...

Antony Philip...he answered...

Sanyukta we can take him to demon hall....rd said..

No...u can't take me out......If they saw me with u then they will kill u both....Go from here...u guys r in danger...go away from this place with ur friends...

Sir...what r u saying?? Who will kill us??Sany asked

Mr Bernard Frederick and his son Roger Frederick ....that man said widening his orbs...

Rd I was right that bloody roger was behind all these...Sany said

Go from here....they will come now with my breakfast....old man said...

Sir plzz say what's happening here?? We want to know about it....without clear evidence our teacher will not believe us... We will sent those culprits behind the bars....and will save u from here...plzz help us...Sany pleaded...

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