Chapter 2: Goodbye Pillow

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Chapter 2

I dreamt that I was being sent away to some school for weirdos. I was not the least bit happy when I woke up to find my suitcase, packed with my clothes, beside my door.

"No, no this can't be happening." I groaned. That's it, I'm still dreaming. Yeah that's it. "Wake up, wake up." I said, pinching myself. After a while when my arms were swollen and red, I knew this wasn't a dream.

"Damn," I cursed. I laid on my bed, taking in everything. I said goodbye to every damn thing in my room, "Goodbye room, goodbye walls..."

Looking out my window I said goodbye to the moon. I slept next to my window, because I loved looking out and seeing the moon phases. Sometimes I just liked the fresh air, but tonight it was all about the moon.

Maybe it was just me but tonight the moon looked... almost...lonely? The clouds were blocking the stars and soon they would consume the moon too. Gone. Nonexistent. Forgotten in the darkness.

I sighed heavily. Man, today is going to be a long day. I tried going back to sleep but the horrors of leaving the safety of my home took over. Goodbye pillow, I know I won't miss you. It's time I gave you a break anyways, no more tears or punches will be bruising and hurting you.

I sat up on my bed and leaned against my wall, scanning my soon-to-be ex-bedroom. It wasn't a big room, but was sufficiently big enough for a twin bed, a desk and one small closet for my clothes. I had packed everything I needed except my weapons.

Those would be tricky to sneak into the airport, especially with all the paranoid wackos nowadays. I thought for a minute or two and realized that taking them would be impossible. Guess I would just have to buy some when I arrive there. Wherever 'there' is, I thought.

Okay what do I need? A couple of knives, guns, and maybe some daggers, you never know what or who you're going to encounter.

"Talk about paranoid," I muttered to myself. A phone rang and I jumped for the gun I kept under my pillow. I sighed in relief, it was just the phone. I was starting to become jumpy and that was not good, I needed to get a hold of myself. I had met and pissed off some powerful people or monsters - whatever you want to call them - before, so I was always on the lookout for those I had offended. I answered the phone before anyone woke up from the annoying ring tone.


"Hello?" I whispered, panting. My heart was beating a mile a minute. Just thinking about what was... out there scared the crap out of me.

"Ray? Raven are you okay?" I sighed in relief; it was just Alexander.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine," I cleared my throat, "What's up man?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"What's up? W-what's up!? Oh nothing's up." He said, popping the 'p'. I could tell he was angry, but why?

"Ray, what the hell... where are you going? Why are you leaving?" He yelled, sounding beyond angry, and sort of worried. It was not surprising, Alex and I had become close. He knew my fears and I knew his. Oh... so that's why he's mad... Oops?

"Alex, I didn't want to tell you, but you leave me no choice," think fast, think! "I'm joining the Pease Core and helping endangered species?" My statement came out as a question, and I hated the uncertainty in my voice. Great why don't you just tell him your parents think you're crazy and are sending you to the mental institution to 'get help'? Which was very close to the truth.

"Right, so which endangered species are you going to help out?" Alex said, playing along, I smiled. It wasn't like I was proud of lying, but it was something I had sadly gotten used to.

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