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   Gorsestorm padded lazily at the dry moss nests in his den, the foolish apprentices kept coming up with excuses to not replace the moss. The poor weak kits would die because of the apprentices' own laziness.

   Gorsestorm walked out into camp whilst all the warriors were sharing tongues. He walked past them and out into the freshly damp forest from yesterday's rain. The moss would be nice once it dries up ever so slightly.

   The medicine cat walked up to a tree covered in moss like a blanket. The moss looked perfect for sleeping on, it was even dry enough to replace the old moss right away! Exhilarated, Gorsestorm peeled the moss off from the tree with his teeth and dropped it on the ground. He crouched down and squished the moss between his chin and his chest. It was an awkward position, but that was what Spottedheart had taught him.

   Nobody paid attention to him as he passed back through the camp and into the medicine den. He laid the moss down near a crevice in his den. Gorsestorm pawed through the dry moss and started piling it up. Timberleap nodded to herself and her kits and picked them up and moved to the other side of the den so Gorsestorm could fix their nests. He started piling up the feather nest that they slept in but he spotted something in it. 

   Using his paw to scramble through the nest, he focused at what he saw. It was a thistle? He scrunched his eyes at it. Why a thistle? Anything could be in this nest, but a thistle is just out of question. Could Thistlekit have brought it in? No, he isn't even allowed out of the nursery, and he knows that.

   While Gorsestorm tried to decipher its meaning, he shuddered and the world turned black around him. He looked around wide-eyed, what in the name of Starclan is going on?  The thistle was still there in front of him on the ground, he shuddered again and turned his ear towards a sound.

   "Gorsestorm," The whisper echoed through his head.

   Panicked, he did not answer. The thistle in front of him grew into a bush that glowed in the darkness.

   He backed away, what was happening? 

   The whisper sounded again as a feather slowly drifted down from nowhere, "The thistle that is found in the feather's nest will prove great importance. An importance that includes bravery and gentleness that will be needed to pull through the darkness."

   A fire blazed strong and encircled Gorsestorm and the bush. It grew towards the bush and set it ablaze. Gorsestorm's eyes widened, this was no dream, but it confused him ever so. The fire went away, and all that was left were ashes. Was it over?

   No. He's still there. He felt a something brush past him, and he stared as it turned to look at him. It was a big black dog like creature with over and underbites showing it's ferocity. It's claws threatened to slit his throat. Gorsestorm swallowed and blinked.

   He was in the nursery again, Timberleap and Nettlestar staring at him confused.

   "Gorsestorm, are you okay? You just literally froze in your tracks," Timberleap mewed.

   Nettlestar eyed Gorsestorm with a look that clearly said "meet me in my den later". Gorsestorm slowly nodded and finished making the nests. 

Warrior Cats: The Thistle and the FeatherWhere stories live. Discover now