Chapter 7

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AN: Yes, the previous spell is real, all you have to do is change the month to whatever month you are casting the spell :D There are also two more spells in this chapter that I have combined into one, though it should be easy to tell where a spell starts and begins. Again, both are light based spells so neither can be used to harm others or yourself. I'm a sucker for this sort of thing.



Chapter 7:

The only thing Alfred could hear at the moment was the sound of his heartbeat thundering in his chest, his breathes coming in short, ragged gasps. Everyone and everything else was silent.

But it was an oppressed kind of silence. He didn't like it.

She was still in there...somewhere.

He could feel her. He could smell her. It was like burning flesh and rotting skin; it was making him feel sick, nauseated. He also felt cold, but was sweating at the same time. Was this what it was like when they say they broke out into a cold sweat?

He had goosebumps on his arms and a prickly feeling on the back of his neck, making his insides clench, his hands shake. And his mind was disjointed; he didn't know what was going on. It didn't make any sense. This shouldn't be happening...this shouldn't be real.

Ghost weren't real! They couldn't be!

Alfred physically jumped when a woman's painful cry pierced the air, quite literally forcing him to take a couple of shaky steps away from the barricaded door. He had seen this scene countless times before in all those horror movies he had watched. Any second now a bloody arm will come spearing through the door, tearing at the wood, breaking it to pieces, clawing closer and closer...

But, they couldn't leave. Not when they were in a hotel, filled with other innocent and unknowing guests. They would all be in danger.

No, he had to find a way to keep her confined to this one apartment, so no one else would get hurt. But how...?


Again, Alfred jumped in fright, but soon an overwhelming feeling of recognition and relief wash over him. He knew that voice! Oh God, how he knew that sweet, sweet voice!

"Arthur!" Alfred yelled when a certain blond-haired Englishman appeared in the threshold of the front door entrance, holding onto the door frame as he panted for air. It was like he literally ran all the way here. "You're here!"

Arthur snapped his head up at the sound of Alfred's voice, his green eyes widening with fear, no doubt immediately spying the sliver of blood that was seeping from the wound on his forehead. His expression soon creased into a look of frantic relief before he then practically threw himself inside the room using the door frame as leverage. Alfred met him half-way and pulled him into a hug, one of which Arthur immediately returned, the two of them clinging onto one another for safety and reassurance.

Alfred wrapped his arms tightly around Arthur's slender frame, threading his fingers through his short blond hair as Arthur pressed his face into his shoulder, his hands grasping tightly onto the back of his bomber jacket.

He's here, Alfred thought with a sense of utter relief as he pressed his cheek into Arthur's hair.

Oh God, Arthur was here! It would be ok now. Everything was going to be ok!

Finally, Arthur forced them to part, but not by much. He still stood chest to chest to him as he placed both hands on the sides of Alfred's face, his eyes searching frantically over his face for any more injuries while inspecting the one already there. "Alfred, you're hurt."

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