Chapter 8

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AN: Sorry, this chapter is rather short, and well, is probably considered a filler. ^^; Next chapter will be longer and more action packed, I promise!


Chapter 8:

As he was flicking through his spell book, Arthur's mind was reeling as what to do next. Protection Spells were all well and good, but he preferred to get rid of the threat of Bloody Mary entirely.

His banishing spells wouldn't work here; they all require specialised herbs, oils and tools of Divination, of which he didn't have the time to locate and prepare before arriving here and he couldn't risk slipping out now to gather them. He needed to find another way to get Bloody Mary back into her mirror. Or at least find a way to seal her into another inanimate object. Or...


Arthur licked his lips nervously. There might be a way to release Bloody Mary from her eternal torture. It would be tricky and it could potentially blow up in his face, but as he remembered the way the blood dripped down the side of Alfred's face from the cut on his forehead when he first saw him, the way poor Peter was now shaking with fear in an equally scared Matthew's arms and the way an uncharacteristically silent Gilbert was currently trying to aid with the injury on Francis' neck, he didn't see much choice in the matter.

If he didn't act soon and do something...

Someone could very well die.

Ok, no choice...

"The mirror," Arthur said as he turned to Alfred, mildly aware that everyone was focusing in on him again. "Where is the mirror from which she came?"

Alfred looked positively baffled, tilting his head to the side and blinking rather blankly at him. "What?"

Arthur couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes toward the ceiling. "The mirror you used to call her, you git!"

Still not catching on, Alfred simply stared at him. "Why?"

"Listen," Arthur said after drawing in a deep breath; he'll have to make this explanation as brief as possible, they don't have time for any details. "It is believed that when a person dies, their soul wanders from their physical body and if there were any mirrors where the soul had been torn from the body, it can become trapped within the mirror itself."

He could still recall all the times where he had been at the bedside of those who are sick, injured and/or dying and having to cover all the mirrors within the vicinity with darken clothe to reduce the risk of them becoming trapped. He had also tried his best to make their passing as smooth as possible so no ill resentment would prevent them from finding their peace.

So, he had to find a way to free Queen Mary from her way or another.

"This wounded soul is connected to the mirror," Arthur continued with his explanation. "So, if we break the mirror, we break the soul connected to it."

There was silence as his fellow nations took a moment to allow this to fully sink in and he received a couple of slow, hesitant, but somewhat understanding nods.

"But, isn't breaking a mirror meant to bring seven years bad luck?" Alfred asked, a frown marring his features.

Yes, that was also a very strong belief, but as of right now, it was the lesser of two evils.

So Arthur gave him a pointed look. "Which do you prefer, Alfred?"

And as if Bloody Mary had been listening in and decided to make his point more potent, she let out a blood-curdling wail that made Alfred jump in fright.

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