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  As he covered his mouth with the cream coloured handkerchief Dallon tried his best to block out the arguments between his stepfather and his mother. It had been 2 years since his father had passed. 2 years since he first caught Tuberculosis from him.  While Dallon finished his coughing fit, he heard a key sentence in next room. 

 "No, Leann! I can't risk us getting sick! We are sending him to the boarding school, end of story!," John yelled, obviously not caring if Dallon heard it or not. With that sentence Dallon's face went pale, his stomach dropping. Dallon stood slowly as he approached his bedroom door. It was then that he realized; His mother didn't respond. He opened the bedroom door and looked into the living room, where John and Leann stood. "It's settled then. We are dropping him off by the end of the week," John hissed. 

 "But John, It's Friday already-,"

 "The end of the week Leann!," He interrupted, yelling as he turned to leave to room. It was then that he saw Dallon, stopping as he grabbed Leann's attention. She turned her head over to see her 17 year old son. John sighed as he left the room, walking straight passed Dallon while covering his face with the collar of his shirt. Dallon refused to look at the man while he walked forward, sitting on the couch as he coughed into the square cloth. "So, I suppose I should start packing," Dallon stated under his breath. 

"Dallon, sweetie-," before Leann could finish the sentence, Dallon was already slamming his bedroom door shut.

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