the prince and his sisters servant chapter twelve

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here's the next chapter of the prince and his sisters servant.

don't forget to tell what you think.

hope you like it.


Chapter Twelve

Diabolos paced in his tent, awaiting the news of the woman's capture.

He was intrigued by this woman, this female Volatilis.

He had never heard of someone who could heal anything, and he was looking forward to taking her.

He sent three of his soldiers to get her, but he was quite worried about if he sent the right three.

As he paced he was thinking about what she would look like.

He imagined her looking like an angelic creature.

And if she does then taking her will be all the more fun.

For him.

He was laughing menacingly when a soldier named Vein burst through the doors of his tent.

"How dare you enter here without permission? Who do you think you are? Do you think you're special?" Diabolos roared.

He was really pissed off that this person would just enter here because he felt like it.

"I am no one, my lord, but I have just come from the oracle. He said that our men failed and that the Prince killed them. We don't have her, my lord."

He sounded really scared that Diabolos was going to punish him.

And he was, but not right now.

And right now he wanted to know why they failed.

He stormed out of his tent and went straight to the oracle.

"What is this I hear? What do you mean that we don't have her?" he demanded as soon as he saw him.

"Oh, my lord. Nice to see you. I'm afraid that our men failed. You see when the Prince saw her being taken he lost his mind and killed all three of them in a matter of seconds. From what I saw it was quite a sight." The oracle smiled, like it was the best thing that he has ever seen.

"This is not something to be smiling about!" Diabolos yelled. "I want you to come up with a plan on how to get that b***h, seen as my plan failed miserably."

"I would love to, my lord; however it is not my responsibility to plan those things. My responsibility is to see if a plan works or not."


"Because, it would have worked if Prince hadn't been paying attention, like he was supposed to. He wasn't supposed to be listening, but he was, and he interfered. If he didn't interfere, then you would have her by now."

"Well why didn't you see that?"

"Because for some reason he is more difficult to see then the others."


And with that Diabolos left in a huff.

He went back to his tent and started to plan what to do next.

He already had the first part already.

To get that idiot Prince away from that woman.

Velia was sitting in Mina's room just talking to her.

"I don't understand. Why has he decided to marry now?" she asked Mina.

"I don't know but...What should I do? I can't tell him."

"Well, why not? I'm sure if you tell him, then he will tell you..."

Velia was interrupted by the door opening.

Varick walked in.

"There you are. I have to tell you that..." he started but he was interrupted by Velia.

"Yes I know, you have decided to get married. What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I don't want to be alone anymore. Anyway that wasn't what I was going to say."

"Well then what were you going to say?"

"I have heard that Claire didn't marry that Duke, so I have decided to ask her to marry me. You know that we all get alone, and I guess that she would make a good wife. And we are going to the banquet they are holding tomorrow night."

He said this as he headed out the door.

"WHAT?" Velia yelled at him. "Oh, my god I have to go get ready!" she said as she ran out of the room.

As she left she caught a glimpse of Varick.

He was looking at Mina.

He looked like he was in pain.

She looked away and ran to her room.

Varick caught a glimpse of Mina sitting on the bed, and she looked like she was about to cry.

And he instantly felt pain for her.

He understood why he would feel pain if she was sad, but he didn't know why she was sad. And it upset him that he didn't know.

He was almost out of the door, when he heard a sniffle.

He turned around and saw that she crying.

He walked up to her, and sat down next to her.

"What's wrong?" he couldn't believe that he was doing this, but he just hated to see her cry.

"N-nothing," she stuttered.

"I don't believe you. What's happened?"

"I-I-I don't know if I want to tell you."

"Just tell me. I mean you can tell me anything. We're friends aren't we?"

"Yeah, I guess we are."

She sounded so sad, it really hurt him to hear that in her voice.

"So why are you so sad?"

"Well, I guess that...I'm just upse...I mean I'm happy for you. That's all."

"Well, I don't believe you. You know, I have always liked talking to you. You don't make jokes all of the time, like your brother Kai. I mean you just can't have a serious conversation with him. But with you, I can talk about anything. You know?"

"I guess. Umm...I've always liked talking to you as well. You seem to be one of the few people that I can trust."

Suddenly he felt as if she might like him as well, but then how could she if she was with the werewolf King.

Damn it why doesn't she want me, he thought. If she did then I wouldn't have to go through with this.

"Well I better go get ready. I mean I have a lot of things to do before I can ask Claire to marry me. See you later."

"Bye," she said quietly.

When he closed the door he could have sworn that he heard her start to cry again, but then thought that it was wishful thinking and went to his room to think things through.


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