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Fists were flying, tables were breaking, and insults were being exchanged. Just a regular day in the fairy tail guild.
" Master, we have another request," Mirajane said walking towards the master.
" Is that so? Which one of these brats does it ask for?" He asked.
Now everyone was gathering around Mira and Makarov, curious on who was wanted.
" Well, surprisingly enough it asks for Natsu and Freed."
Everyone turned to look at the rune mage and the dragon slayer.
" What's the job?" Freed asked.
" It's a simple one. A monster has been terrorising a village. Its only weakness is fire, and it's too fast to catch with ordinary traps," Mira explained.
" So they need Freed to catch it and me to finish it off," Natsu said, taking the job sheet.
" Sounds easy enough let's go!" He grabbed Freed's wrist and dragged him out the guild hall without another word.

-on the train-

Natsu was, of course, sick. Freed had dealt with Laxus's motion sickness before. In fact he was the one who told Laxus that listening to music would help, hence the head phones he always wore. But unfortunately they didn't have any head phones.
" How much...longer?" Natsu said in pain.
" Two hours," Freed told him.
Natsu groaned, and fell to the side, resulting in his head landing in Freed's lap. This startled Freed, but he soon relaxed. Natsu had an idea.
" Hey Freed."
Freed looked down at him.
" You said music could help with my motion sickness, so could you sing?" Freed was a bit taken aback.
" O-of course."
And so he began to sing:

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Natsu had forgotten about his motion sickness and was completely focused on the green haired man. Natsu had never noticed until that moment just how beautiful Freed was, and his voice was that of an angel's. His green silky hair framed his face like the work of art it was, his blue eyes shined brightly in the sunlight. Freed's cheeks were tinted pink. Cute! Natsu thought. For the next two hours Freed sang while Natsu admired his beauty.

-time skip-

" So the monster's lair is around here somewhere?" Natsu asked.
" According to the client," Freed answered.
" Although I have to admit this is getting tedious."
They had been looking for almost an hour now, only knowing that the monster lived in a cave to the north. Natsu was lost in thought, so he didn't see the tree root in his path. He tripped and was about to fall down the steep hill when he tried to grab onto something. That something happened to be Freed and the two tumbled down. The two groaned when they came to the bottom of the hill. When Freed opened his eyes he looked into the Natsu's brown irises. Natsu was straddling him. They both turned crimson. Natsu looked quite...handsome, Freed noted. He...liked the feeling of Natsu above him. Natsu liked it as well. Neither of them made a move to get up, and they probably would've stayed liked that if the hadn't heard a growl that made the birds flee and the ground shake. Natsu stood up and held out his hand for Freed.
" Do you think that was the monster we're after?" Natsu asked.
" I have no doubt," Freed said.
They looked past the trees to see a sleeping giant red and black wolf.
" Alright, I'll set up the runes, once I'm done you'll wake the beast up and lure him into the trap."
Natsu wore his usual grin.
" I'm fired up now."

-time skip, after runes set up-

Natsu walked over to the sleeping wolf.
" Fire dragon: roar!"
The wolf woke at the noise and was abel to get out the way in a millisecond. It snarled.
" Come get me ugly!" Natsu taunted. He turned and ran towards Freed's trap. Unfortunately though the wolf was in front of him before he could make it.
" Crap."
The animal was about to leap when it cried out in pain. Freed had stabbed it's leg with his sword. Aggravated the wolf turned to Freed and pounced on him. Freed was stuck under its paw and wasn't abel to move his arms.
" Freed! Fire dragon: iron fist!"
Natsu punched the monster in the side sending him into the rune cage. It tried to escape, but whenever it ran it went straight into the barrier.
" Alright we did it!" Natsu yelled happily.
" We make a great team."
Freed smiled.
" We certainly do." They locked eyes, and neither of them wanted to look away.

-time skip-

The wolf had been relocated to a place where it would no longer cause harm, and now the two fairy tail wizards, having collected their reward, were on there way back to the train station.
" Do we have to use the train?" Natsu whined.
" I'm sorry but I don't have the strength or stamina to fly all the way to Magnolia while carrying you," Freed said pitifully.
All of a sudden Freed was grabbed from behind and dragged into an alleyway.
" Freed!"
Natsu ran after him. A man was holding Freed as a human shield with a knife against his throat.
" Make this easy and hand over all of your Jewel and no one gets hurt," the man said.
Freed clawed at the arm around him only to have the blade pressed closer to his throat. Natsu was fuming and glared at the man, but his concern was evident. Natsu grabbed the money out of his bag.
" Now let him go."
" Nu-u-uah. Hand over the money  first, then I'll let him go."
If looks could kill, Freed's captor would be dead.
" You know what, I'm fed up with being the damsel in distress," Freed said.
He then stomped on the mans foot, making the man lighten his grip enough for him to escape. Freed then turned and punched him in the face, then kicked him in the groin. Natsu was on the man in an instant, beating the crap out of him. Freed had to pull Natsu off of him. The man stood and ran.
" Natsu! Calm down," Freed said in an attempt to calm the pink haired boy. Natsu stopped struggling and turned to face Freed.
" Are you okay?" He asked grabbing Freed by the shoulders.
" I'm fine."
Natsu noticeably relaxed.
" Good."
Natsu leant in and kissed Freed. Freed was frozen, but he slowly eased into the kiss. Natsu's hands found their way onto Freed's hips, as Freed wrapped his arms around Natsu's neck. They parted for air and smiled. Natsu pushed Freed up against the wall and their lips collided in a much more heated kiss. Natsu quickly dominated Freed and explored Freed's mouth with his tongue. When they parted they rested their foreheads together. Natsu pecked Freed on the cheek then took his hand.
" Come on," Natsu said.
" Let's go home."
On the train ride back Freed once again sang to Natsu and as the pinkette  listened he ran his fingers through the long green locks of his boyfriend. When they entered the guild they parted ways, heading to their teams.
" So how'd it go?" Evergreen asked Freed.
Freed glanced over at Natsu.
" It was certainly an...unique experience."

Natsu x Freed One Shots Where stories live. Discover now