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It all started on a December in 1989.

She stands outside at a bustop, waiting for her ride to arrive, to take her home from her stressful first day of college. She checks her watch, 9:46, it read.

Then she notices her.

A small blonde girl, sitting on the street curb on the other side of the street, shuddering and shaking in the freezing weather.

She hesitates, then crosses the road.

She thought about it for a moment, then took off her coat, and handed it to the girl, who was only wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

The girl reached out slowly, and put the coat on. It was like a blanket on her small, fragile body. Her hair was messy, and her face was covered in dirt and ashes, like she hadn't taken a bath for days.

"Th-Thank you." She croaked.

"No problem. I have more clothes on anyways. What's your name?"

"Jennifer." she nearly whispered.

"Hi Jennifer, where's your family?"

"My mom and dad are fighting. It got really bad so I ran away." she sniffled, and looked like she was about to cry.

"Ohh. I'm sorry." She looked at the little girl in concern. She looked no older than twelve years old, skinny, like she hadn't eaten in days. "Here, take this, and come find me when you need to, okay?" she gave the girl some snacks that she always had packed ready in her bag, a piece of paper that had her phone number and address on it, and turned to leave.

The girl nodded, and waved goodbye to the older woman.

But halfway across the street, she decides to stop and turn back.

"You know what?" She runs towards the girl. "I'm gonna take you back to your home."

The girl shakes her head. "No, I don't wanna. What if they're still fighting? It's because my sister just died and mommy isn't going out to work, and there's no money to pay for her funeral stuff."

"Oh, I see. But they might be worrying about you too, and you're gonna freeze out here. Come on, let's go."

She stands up, and the small blonde follows her.

After walking for about 5 minutes, they arrive at her house. It looked like it took decades of torture and the wood was falling apart.

They walk to the front door, but the girl then hides behind the tall brunette as she knocks.

"What the hell?" A booming deep voice came from the inside as footsteps approach.

A man opens the door. "What do you want?" He yelled harshly at the stranger that he doesn't recognize. He was a large man, about six feet two, and looked like he could easily pick up the house. He spots the small girl hiding behind the woman, hands clutched tightly to her clothes.

"Sir, I found her on the streets, and decided to bring her home." The brunette replied, with her chin tilted slightly, not showing any fear or weakness.

"Come here!" He told her, and pushes the small girl roughly into the house.

"You can leave now." The man showed absolutely no respect to the brunette, and didn't even bother to thank her.

"Um...okay." she turns around to leave, when a small voice popped out from inside of the door.

"Bye nice lady." she gave the brunette a small wave, as her father scolds her to get back in her room.

The brunette sighed, and continued walking back to the bus stop, silently hoping she did the right thing.

-Hey guys, so what do you think? Please leave comments to help me improve the story! I won't be updating regularly, but I will try. Thank you all for reading :)

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