a month or two has gone by and i am still not over you. i close my eyes and your face appears, a warm smile plastered onto the mold of you.
but over the time we have spent away from one another, the shape of the mold you held inside of me began to reshape itself. you became an entirely different being to me.
you changed.
change was good. it means i beginning to look ahead, into the light, and into the future. a future where i am happy.
and yes, even though there's a new boy in my life i still think about you from time to time. but it's not the same as before, where when you crossed my mind i would ponder like you were a new species, so new and fruitful to my life.
instead you had become a back of the mind thought. and this new boy is starting to swamp my thoughts. i really hope i don't fall as hard for him as i did for you.
i don't want to be hurt again, but i can feel it. replacement is coming.
the way his arm feels wrapped around me is similar to the security you once gave me. my paranoia is decreasing as i realize i am not alone anymore.
my mind is beginning to rest with peace.

moving forward
Romancea collection of my 3 am thoughts about the boy who broke my fragile heart