Chapter 1

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If you told me a year ago that I had beaten Madison Cooper in a race, I would have laughed and told you that lying is a bad habit. But here I am, surrounded by people that have overlooked me my whole life.

Everything is a blur, all I can feel are a pair of soft leather reins in my hand. A small nudge on the shoulder from Madonna brings me back to reality. I look over at her, with her big brown eyes and silky palomino coat. A grin is plastered on my face as I stroke her delicate head.

Madonna leans into my touch, making my smile grow. The crowd around me slowly shrinks as people find better things to do than pat me on the back.

My eyes wander, scanning over the polished wood of the stables and taking in the blooming trees before landing on Madison. Her face is painted with a scowl, her dark brown eyebrows furrowed. Sweat is forming on her forehead.

" cheated," Madison states, relaxing her face. Her brown eyes are still burning with fury and humiliation. I let my mouth hang wide open at her comment. I can feel a few sparks of anger inside of me as I look at her lying face.

"How could you say that? Are you so surprised that someone is better than you? How self-centred!" I growl, standing up straighter. Madison looks me up and down, a smirk on her face.

"Oh calm down Morgan. I won't tell anybody about your little scheme to become popular," Madison's smirk grows.

"What do you mean? I won that race out of pure talent! Get over yourself Madison!"

"Pffffft...sure! If you call flailing your arms around atop that granny horse of yours talent!"

The insult stings, but pushes me to fight back more.

"Wow, really Madison? You're so pathetic. You challenge me to a race and then get frustrated when somebody proves that all you are is a lame bully with no skill? I'm done with you pushing me around! You don't deserve my time!" And with that final comment, I spin around and lead Madonna towards her stall.

Usually I like to untack out in the sun, but all I want to do right now is be alone with Madonna. As soon as we reach Madonna's stall I wrap my arms around her soft neck, breathing in her scent.

I've been riding Madonna since I was ten, and that was three years ago. She has short legs and a large belly, but she is quick on her feet and a master at games. I look down at her and just feel sadder. I've grown in the last three years, and my legs are almost too long for her height of 12.1hh. Thinking of not riding her hurts, so I push the thought out of my mind and busy myself with untacking her.

First I swap her black leather bridle for her navy halter, the one I bought with my birthday money last year. I dunk the snaffle bit in Madonna's water bucket before hanging the bridle up on the hook outside her door.

After Madonna's saddle is removed, I lean on her back. Letting out a few shaky breaths, I feel a few tears form in my eyes. I thought that today was going to be awesome, but of course my luck just has to run out.

After the local show a few weeks back, people have been noticing me more, and acting nicer towards me. I'm guessing it's because of my first place ribbon, the first one I've had in forever. After that, things started getting better. My grades have gotten better, my riding has improved, people have been hanging out with me more, and I have finally stood up for myself against Madison.

The only thing I'm worried about now is Madonna. She's old, and last week I overheard Mum and her real owner discussing her retirement. I don't know why they want to do it though, they talk about her being 'too old' or 'too small' but I can't help being confused. So what if she's old or small? I know plenty of horses who are old and still being ridden!

Madonna snorts beside me, and I remember my idea to sponge her down. I push open the stall door, absent mindlessly picking up my large blue sponge. After wetting it down, I wring it out and get to work. Sweat darkens Madonna's coat in a few places, and I wet them down with my sponge.

The water washes away the sweat, leaving her damp. I move onto her head, pressing along her forehead and around her mouth. After finishing with the sponge I reach for the sweat scraper. Madonna nuzzles my side affectionately and I scratch behind her ear.


After I'm done with all of my gear, I sling my saddle over my toned arm and hang my bridle on my shoulder. Madonna's red saddle blanket is covered in honey coloured hair-evidence that she's shedding. I trudge back towards the tack room. I can hear a few voices from inside, and recognise them as girls in my lesson.

"I can't believe Belle won that race!"

"Yeah! She won by a mile! Do you think Madison was going easy on her?"

"Maybe. I mean the only reason Belle won at the show was because Madison wasn't in that class!"

"Yeah! Belle has been coming second to her for years!"

Without being able to handle being talked about anymore, I stride into the tack room, not looking at the girls. They stay silent as I put away my things. I make sure to not pay any attention to them. After all my things are neatly put away, I calmly and confidently walk out of the room.

Inside, it hurts. I can't believe that they would talk about me like that, like I didn't deserve my ribbon. As soon as I reach Madonna I throw on her rug and do up the straps and buckles. When I'm finished, I pull out my phone and text mum.

Belle: im putting Donna out now. ready to go xx

I ignore my grammar mistakes and press send. Madonna lazily walks with me back to her paddock. I wait for a reply back, checking Instagram in the meantime. My phone buzzes and I open Messages.

Mum<3: Sure! I will be there in five minutes. Your father and I have some things to discuss with you

Oh no. What could this be about?

So there you go! This is my first watt pad story, and I hope you all enjoyed. I would love it if you left some comments and maybe some suggestions! I don't have a very good plot planned out right now, so it might take some time for things to get moving xx

Blue Arrow Equestrian Centre: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now