Chapter 2

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Lush, green, paddocks fly past the window as mum and I drive home. The trip is short, a quick five minutes. I tap my foot on the floor, looking anywhere but at mum. She told me that when we got home her and dad have something to tell me...and I'm guessing it isn't good.

Mum has taken my hint that I don't want to talk and stays silent. We turn down our road, which has only a few houses on it. My house is on the outskirts of town, close to the stables and the shops in town. Mum turns into the driveway and stops the car.

"Alright sweetie" Mum undoes her seatbelt and opens the car door. I sit for a second before doing the same. After grabbing my bag I join mum at the front door. Her keys jingle as she looks for the right one. Mum unlocks the door and swings it open.

Remembering to take off my boots, I stop and lean down. A million thoughts are running through my head. What do my parents want to discuss with me? Does everybody feel the same way as those girls at the stable? Where those girls right?

My boots slide of and clatter on the floor. I get up, pick up my bag and run upstairs. My feet move swiftly across the cream carpet and into my room. Closing the door behind me, I scan my surroundings.

Scratches formed years ago on my floorboards are covered by a fluffy mat, and a beanbag sits right next to the door. My closet has sliding doors with mirrors on them, reflecting the setting sun. My double bed is draped in a lilac doona and zebra-print blanket. Books clutter my bedside table and desk.

It feels so comfortable. Almost every wall in this house has a scratch, mark, or sticker stuck on it. When I was five, I thought it would be funny to stick butterfly stickers on things. A smile graces my face at the thought.

I chuck my duffel bag at my bed and miss, like always. I look down at my shabby appearance, mud and poo stained jodhpurs, a pink polo, ripped socks and some stylish brunette helmet hair.

Dread swirls in the bottom of my stomach at the thought of going down stairs. My body flops down on my bed, and I yell into the soft blanket I've had for years.

"Sweetie? Can you come downstairs?" Mum's voice rises up from the dining room. I groan before sluggishly getting up. A nervous bubbling sensation forms in my gut, and I slowly walk down the stairs.

Our family has lived in this house for fourteen years, and I couldn't imagine life anywhere else. The small town that we live in is home to many horsey people. Although my parents don't ride, dad's sister lives in France and trains horses. I've always wanted to visit her, the pictures I've seen of her property are beautiful.

My parents voices are muffled through the wall, but I can hear their conversation stop when I come closer.

"Hi Belle, how was Miss Donna today?" Dad asks me with a loving and joking smile.

"She was great dad. I won a race on her" I slide onto a seat, across from my parents. Mum and Dad's eyebrows shoot up, not expecting that response.

"A race? Against who?" Mum looks at me quizzically.

"Madison Cooper, the one with that adorable baby brother?" I reply, sinking into my chair.

"Well...alright. Um. Now Belle, me and your father have been thinking about things lately, and well, I've been offered a position at this very well paying school..." Mum looks down at the table. I know where this is going. My eyes feel wet, and I choke back a sob.

"Your mother brings in most of the money in this household as you know, and if she were to take this would be really great but...well. And-" Dad is cut short by mum.

"Belle, we're moving"

No. No no no no no! Tears start to stream down my face. Madonna! This house! My whole life! How could they do this? How do they expect me to live anywhere but here? Things have just started to look up for me and then they snatch it away!

"Oh sweetie, it won't be that bad! You'll make new friends, we've already spoken to the owner of the local stables! It will be alright," Dad reassures, leant over the table to rub my arm.

"Honey, you need to understand that this will bring a lot of good things!" Mums words do nothing to calm me.

"What about Madonna? I have a life and now you're just taking it away?!" I cry.

"Belle, it might not be the right time to tell you this, but our lease on Madonna has run out, Ms. Lacey is taking her back and retiring her. It's for the best,"

Hearing the words 'retire' and 'Madonna' in the same sentence is too much for me. My chair scrapes against the tiles as I push it back. My parents let me leave. Instead of going up to my room though, I cram my feet into my riding boots and leave through the front door.

My blue and white bike is lying on the ground in the driveway, and without a moments hesitation I get on and start pedalling. My blue eyes are waterfalls, tears pouring from them. The house I won't be living in for much longer shrinks behind me, and I let it go.

Rocks litter my path, and the old pile of metal beneath me jostles around. I don't let myself think. All logical thoughts disappear from my mind. I just cry. And cry. And cry.

Finally, after the sun has set, the tears stop. And so does my bike. In the dim lighting, I don't see the large stone in my way. I hit it and go veering off to the side of the road. Beneath me, my bike is wrecked.

"Why? Why! Why! Why!" I sob.


Madonna gallops beneath me, her hooves pounding on the ground. It's just me and her, our last ride together. Her last ride ever. Sadness shoots through me.

Madonna slows down, coming back to a canter and then trot. We wade through the long green grass, wild flowers dotted around us. A soft breeze blows Madonna's white mane to one side.

I lean down, wrapping my arms around her neck in a tight hug. Madonna snorts, and then drops her head. I wonder if she knows I'm leaving. We've always been close, an inseparable team.

Riding a different horse will feel so strange. A different horse. I haven't even thought about riding a different horse when I move. Giving up riding is definitely not happening, and mum explained to me that the owner of Blue Arrow Equestrian Centre (BAEC for short) is really nice and has plenty of school horses.

I sigh and push Madonna into a trot.

Aaaaand chapter 2 finished! I'm sorry for it being so short. I'll try to make the chapters longer in the future! Next chapter is going to be exciting! I would love it if you left a nice comment or suggestion! Adios~

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