Chapter Two.

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I woke up about seven and a half hours later- I didn't realize I was so tired. I was scrolling through my phone's music when the speaker came on and the pilot started talking. 

"We will be landing shortly in about thirty minutes."

I sighed realizing that everything was real. I didn't wanna believe it. I couldn't believe my mother and father had been doing, dealing, and making drugs behind my back. But most of all, I couldn't believe I was stupid enough to not figure it out.

I sighed once again and took my head phones off, tired of listening to music. I didn't really have anything to do so I just looked out the window getting lost in my thoughts.

I hadn't seen Uncle Simon in awhile. Probably since I was ten. So that's about nine years seeing as I'm nineteen now. I can barely remember what he's like. We kinda lost touch when he moved out of the country to London. I'm a little nervous to see him again.

"We are now landing buckle up." I heard the pilot say then on cue the seat belt light came on with a ding.

I obeyed right as I felt the plane descending.

"We have now landed and the doors have opened. Have a nice day."

I grabbed as much of my luggage as I could and then asked a flight attendant to grab the rest. I walked off of the plane and looked around to see a cab driver holding a sign with "Katherine Smith" on it. I walked up to him.

"Katherine Smith?" He looked down at me and asked in his British accent.

"That's me." I smiled.

"Right this way." He smiled, grabbed some of my bags and lead the way while I grabbed the rest of my bags and followed.

In the car I looked out the window and watched the city go by. It was quite a lovely city.

"We're here ma'dam." I heard the driver say as we came to a stop in front of a huge house.

"Thank you, sir." I smiled and got out.

"Shall I help you with your bags, miss?" He asked.

"No, thank you. I think I've got it." I smiled and went to the trunk.

"Katy!" I heard the door shut and my uncle's loud voice yell to me. I looked and saw him walking down the walk way with his arms open.

I smiled warily before I went to hug him. "Hi, Uncle Si."

"Need help with your bags?" He asked smiling.

"Uhm, yeah actually. That'd be great." I muttered as we walked back to the cab and grabbed my suitcases and bags.

"So how are you, kiddo? Haven't seen you in, what, nine years?" He glanced back smiling at me as we walked up to the door.

"Yeah, nine. I'm okay, I guess. How about you? Heard you got a lady?" I smirked and walked up to him to nudge his side playfully.

"You heard right." He smiled and I saw him blush a little.

As if on cue, a very beautiful lady walked out.

"Ah, Katherine! I'v heard so much about you! I'm Lauren!" She said excitedly and ran to hug me, making me drop my things. Then she mumbled into my ear during the hug "Sorry, I'm a hugger."

After I was released from the hug, she saw she accidentally made me drop my things.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Where are my manners?" She said and grabbed some of my stuff and I grabbed the rest.

"I'm sure you two will hit it off." Simon said to us as we got inside. "Chauncey, come help Katherine with her bags, please!"

And with that, an older man came and grabbed the ones I couldn't.

"This is your room, Miss Katherine. Have a nice day. I'll see you at dinner." He said politely and walked off.

When I finally got my stuff into my room, I looked around. The walls but one were a darkish grey. The grey wall behind my queen sized be had a quote that read "I'm still learning to love, Just starting to crawl." in light purple. My bed sheets were white, my comforter grey, and my pillowcases purple. My desk, next to my bathroom door, is white with a purple lamp on it. I walked into my bathroom everything was white except the towels that were grey. I walked back out to my room and into my...walk-in closet!? I had never had one before. And it was already fully stocked? Only enough room for the clothes I brought now and some new things. I was shocked. I found a note taped to one of the shelves that said "Katherine, I hope you like the clothes I bought you. And if not, then I'll take you to buy some new ones. Love, Lauren." I think I'm going to like Lauren. I walked back out and saw a window seat on the white wall. I saw the view was looking over the city, I even saw Big Ben. I think I might like it here.

Just when I was about to start unpacking, I heard a bunch of yelling downstairs. Not necessarily fighting, but playful stuff. It didn't sound like it was coming from Lauren or my uncle though.

Who on earth was here?

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