Chapter Twenty-Four.

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I sit there, staring at the blade in my hand, contemplating if I should do it or not. It would help, but I need to be stronger than this.

"But I'm not." I whisper. I need to change my ways before I spiral out of control again.

"Katy?" I hear Luke's soft voice from the other side of the door.

"Go away." I croak, leaning against the bathroom door from the ground.

"Please open the door." Niall pleads. Sighing, I get up and open the door after putting the blade back into the cabinet. Niall and Luke stand there, everyone else behind them.

"What?" I whine, wiping my eyes. They don't say anything as Luke wraps me in a tight hug. I cling to him, fisting the back of his shirt as if he would disappear if I didn't. I cry into his chest and he holds me tighter than I thought possible.

"Katy, please don't cry." He whispers, causing me to cry even harder, but I stay as quiet at possible.

"L-L-Lu-u-uke," I sob.

"Shh, I know. It's okay." He kisses my head.

"I just don't know what I di-i-id." I stutter.

"You didn't do anything." He assures.

"Oh, come on!" Louis hollers. Luke and I break apart as everyone looks back and forth between Louis and I.

"What is your problem!? You broke up with me! You brought home a girl two days after! I'm not dating anybody right now, I'm not going around fucking anything that walks, I'm not partying! I'm not doing anything wrong! I don't understand why you're so upset with me! You didn't talk to me for a month! You left me by myself when I fucking needed you!" I yell.

"You can't seriously be playing the 'I need you' card again." He scoffs.

"No, I'm not. Because, guess what? I don't need you! Not anymore! You don't get to dictate my happiness anymore, I'm not gonna let you! I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna have fun, I'm gonna do what normal nineteen year old's do. My birthday is in two weeks and I'm gonna have the time of my fucking life. I am just fine without you. I don't need some douche bag trying to run my life when all he does is ruin it. I'm done moping around over someone who obviously doesn't give a shit about me." I rant loudly.

"Good! I don't care! I couldn't care less. You're nothing to me, you never were anything to me. I never liked you, I just felt sorry for you. You're a worthless piece of shit that only wants people's pity." He spits. Everyone's eyes are wide as they watch our argument.

"How nice for you! Just get the fuck out! No one wants or needs you here! And  no, I don't want, nor need, anyone's pity. Go ahead and call me names, go ahead and push me around, go ahead and run all over me just like everyone else. I don't care! Just get out of my life!" I scream.

"Fine, I will! Good luck with your life, bitch!" He exclaims, stomping downstairs and outside before slamming the door. Everyone is silent for awhile before I decide to speak.

"I'm sorry you all had to witness that. Would you all please step out of the room? I have to get ready." I sigh.

"For what?" Michael asks.

"I'm going out tonight. You all can come if you'd like." I answer.

"The lads and I will, including 5sos." Liam replies.

"Oh, sweetie, Simon and I are out. We're going to bed. Be careful tonight." Lauren says as they kiss my head and exit the room.

"Alright, I'll be ready in forty five minutes." I tell them before waltzing into my bathroom to take a shower. I get out ten minutes later and curl my hair after blow drying it. I slip into my black lace underwear before putting on my sexy, no-back, black dress. I step into my black heels and put on my red leather jacket that matches my lipstick and clutch. I do the rest of my makeup and put my jewelry on before going downstairs to meet the boys.

(A/N outfit and club at .) 

"Woah, you look...stunning." Luke gushes as they gawk at me, making me blush.

"Thank you. So do you. Uh, I mean, all of you do." I stutter.

"Let's go." Liam says, opening the door and letting everyone out first. Luke's hand goes to the small of my back, giving me chills. We all get into the cabs and start toward the club. We got cabs because none of us plan on being sober tonight. Fifteen minutes later, we pull up.

"I.D?" The bouncer asks as I hand him my fake I.D. We all pass and go inside, Luke still by my side.

"I thought you were only nineteen. How'd you get in? You have to be twenty-one." He says into my ear.

"It's fake." I smirk.

"Oh, we've got a bad girl here." He winks.

"Guys, come sit at the bar with us." Says Harry. We walk over and I'm between Niall and Luke.

"Can I buy you a drink, babe?" Luke asks lowly into my ear.

"I wouldn't argue." I bite my lip as I look at him.

"Fuck, that was hot." He says, then looks to the bartender. "Get the lady an Elevation."

We drink our drinks before heading to the dance floor. We start grinding and dancing all over each other until finally our lips meet. After our heated make out session, we each take five shots. We drink and dance and kiss until we're completely over the top drunk. Everyone had already left around three hours ago. It's three a.m.

"L-Luke," I giggle. "I think we should go home."

"But," He hiccups. "baby, I'm having so much fun."

"I know, right? Me too, but we have to go." I say and he nods and we hold hands and go find a cab. The whole fifteen minutes in the cab, all we do is kiss. We stumble into the house and he slams the door. All the lights are off.

"Shh," I giggle, referring to the slammed door. "you're gonna wake people up."

"Just kiss me." He begs, making me laugh loudly before he puts his hand over my mouth. He takes it off and I kiss him. Suddenly, the living room lights turn on and there stands Louis.

"I knew it!" He shouts.

"Be quiet before you wake everyone up!" I hiss, but slur a bit.

"Are you drunk?"

"Mhm." I hum.

"Why would you do this to me?" He asks.

"Why would I- Are you kidding me!?" I scream as Luke comes over and rubs my arms and leans into my ear and tells me to quiet down. I start to rant about how much of a dick he is when he comes over and slams his lips onto mine. After I realize what is happening, I push him off.

"Katy, listen, I-" I hold my hand up.

"Just don't." I grab Luke's hand and lead him upstairs and to my room. I toss him a pair of Louis' old sweatpants and change into shorts and a tank top before I crawl in bed with a shirtless Luke. Nothing happened, we just cuddled and slept with the smell of alcohol filling the room.

The Past Can Hurt. {Louis Tomlinson} (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now