Rule #8: Never Show Fear

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“I don’t think he’s home,” Bella whispered, unnecessarily, handing her binoculars to Owen. He looked through them and nodded. They were crouched high in the canyon looking down over the man’s beat up, junky little house.

“Yep, you’re probably right,” he replied. “Maybe…” he didn’t want to be the one to suggest it, but he knew Bella wouldn’t, and they would murder him if he didn’t tell them everything.

“No,” Bella snapped.

“You don’t even know what I was gonna say!” he grumbled.

“We’re not calling my brothers! If we call one of them, all of my older brothers and sisters are gonna get involved. We don’t need them.” Owen stared at her, unbelieving.

“Why’s that such a bad thing?!” Bella glared at him, standing up and wiping the red clay off her pants.

“Just… let it go. We can handle it ourselves for now.” But Owen, despite the falling out with Jake and Zane, would never disrespect them by keeping such important information to himself. He had to tell them what had happened to her. They deserved to know. It was far more important than she let on. He would find out more. ‘She keeps journals, maybe I can find the one from that time,’ he thought. Just because he and Bella were on good terms at the moment, didn’t mean he had to play fair… Then again… the word “fair” wasn’t exactly in his vocabulary.

Now that he finally knew what had happened, he could redeem himself. Bella’s siblings (both biological and adopted) hadn’t forgiven him. But now, maybe he could get back in their good graces once and for all, and maybe… Bella’s too.

“Fine, I’ll let it go, but just promise me,” he said, jumping up to follow her, “that if things get too out of hand, we call Jake.”

“Fine.” Bella’s reply was non-committal, but if Bella Harken made a promise, she kept it, no matter what. Even though she didn’t trust very many people, she could always be counted on for her trustworthiness.

Bella gazed up at the darkening sky and shuddered. “We better go,” she murmured. She hoped it wouldn’t rain until the Sweenys were all sleeping. Sometimes, the thunderstorms scared her so bad, she would start crying. She did not want anyone to know.

Owen glanced up at the sky too, and smirked. “What Bella? Never wanted to dance in the rain?” he teased.

“No.” She ignored him and began scrambling back down to her car. She would never say it, but she was kind of relieved that Owen could still be his obnoxious self under the circumstances.

* * *

“That’s an insane idea!” Eli grumbled when Owen told him the plan he’d come up with.

Hey Bella!” Danny sang running into the living room holding a plateful of some unidentifiable substance. “I made this spaghetti just for you Bella! Try some!” He grinned mischievously. Bella rolled her eyes.

“Danny,” she said, “how many times do I have to tell you, I will never eat anything that you make?” Danny grinned as Lucy ran into the den wiping her tongue on her sleeve.

“But Lucy ate it,” he said innocently, trying not to laugh as Lucy began to cry.

“I hate you Danny!” she wailed, hitting him with a tiny closed fist, which only made him laugh harder.

Owen shot Bella a pointed look, to which she only rolled her eyes. “Come on Lucy; let’s go get that horrible taste out of your mouth.” She took Lucy’s outstretched hand and pointed to Danny. “You come too. Whatever mess you made, you’re cleaning, by yourself.” Danny groaned, but followed Bella anyway, leaving Owen and Eli to discuss Owen’s dangerous idea.

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