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And I boarded the plane wearing the shirt me and Taehyung had promised to wear. Waiting eagerly to get to Korea and meet Taehyung. I just hope nothing goes wrong..we're 15 now hopefully everything goes as planned. The plane ride was quite boring. I sat next to a handsome boy but it's not like we would see each other after the plane landed. On my other side was another boy who looked quite handsome as well. I was sitting on the side but the side seats were 3 seaters. The boys around me were kept talking so I assumed that they were friends. "D-do you guys want to sit next to each other..?" They both shook their heads showing that they were saying no. I nodded and continued on my phone. "I'm Park Jimin! And this is Jung Hoseok!" Jimin spoke. Jimin, Taehyungs friend. "Why are you going to Korea?!"
"I-I'm going to meet my f-friend t-Taehyung."
"TAETAE?! I know taetae! I'm his friend!"
"Yes I know.."
"You look really cute." The other one finally spoke. He had black hair that looked really soft and suited him well. "T-thank you.." I quietly smiled. After a few hours we were sharing conversations like we had been great friends for over 10 years. "Oppa, so you go the same school as Hoseok oppa and taetae oppa?"
"Ne!" Jimin nodded. I smiled and continued watching 'the butterfly effect' on the screen in front of me. Jimin poked me. "Do you know English?.."
"I'm not good at it.."
"I am!" Hoseok screamed.
"Sure(!)" Jimin said sarcastically.
"Haha I'm sure you both are really good!" I said with enthusiasm. And they both scoffed in reply. "So, how's Taehyung ;)" Jimin winked. "Why?"
"Because he's a playboy called Jimin who wants to steal you from Tae." Hoseok mumbled. "No. just because."
"Yeah. He's fine."
"Very." I squinted my eyes.
I fell asleep when they turned off the lights. And fell on hoseoks shoulder. He patted my head and slept. I woke up when we had arrived at our stop in Malaysia."You've been to Australia?" I asked Jimin. "This was my first time~ :)" I smiled and nodded. Hoseok patted my head,"so, you fell asleep huh? Is Taehyung waiting for you at the airport?"
"He said he was..I don't know if he actually is."
"I'm sure he is. Now let's get off. We're here at Malaysia."I nodded and took his hand walking out of the plane. "Flight to Korea is in..12 hours..ah..Sunhee-ah, do you want to stay with us in our hotel room?" Jimin sweetly asked.
"N-no thank you..ive already booked a room."
"Oh. :/" Jimin pouted. The walked behind me on our way to our hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Jimin and Hoseok were playfully punching each other. Living life their way. "Sunhee-ah," Hoseok groaned, "I feel like you're getting nervous around us.. :/"
"I-I get nervous around every boy.."
"'s not that type of nervous.."
"I- uh-"
"Don't worry Sunhee-ah, we won't do anything bad to you, we're good boys! Right Jimin?!"
"Yup!" Answered Jimin. I faintly smiled at them and started to play games the moment I got to my room door. I took out the card and swiped it, entering the hotel room with no fuss. I turned around and saw Jimin and Hoseok waving bye and then walking back to their room. I waved bye to them as well. When I got to my room the first thing I did was take off my clothes. I took off my clothes and started filling up the bath tub with warm water for my sore joints. I sat in and after a few minutes I managed to get it fully comfortable and relaxed. I got out of the bathtub and wrapped up my hair. I put in my bath gown and walked around the house listening to music. I heard the door unlock. "Yah!" I screamed as someone entered the room. He was really handsome and tall. But he looked quite young and childish. "W-wha- who are y-you?!" I screamed. "Jeon Jungkook. Don't be so surprised. I'm sharing this room with you."
"B-but this is my room!"
"The hotel was full so we're sharing it. By the way. I'm from Korea. Coming from America."
"I'm going to Busan. You?"
"Cool. Sorry for coming in like that. Without knocking."
"It's ok. I'm 15."
"I'm 14."
"You're tiny."
"Age wise. Not hight wise."
"Yeah. I need to you mind going outside."
"Change in the bathroom."
"Yah! It's so steamy and hot in there it change."
"Then just change here. Not like I'm going to look. You're just flattering yourself by thinking so."
"Curse you." I said as I took off my gown. I quickly slipped on my bra and underwear when he turned around. "Nice." He said. I threw my phone at him. He caught it."ok I'm turning. I'm turning." He laughed. I quickly put on my clothes and unwrapped my hair. Ruffled my hair. And started to blow dry it. "I'm going to the bathroom. Tonight you can sleep on the sofa and I'll sleep on the bed."
"Gentleman much(!)" I said sarcastically. I finally dried my hair and jungkook came out of the bathroom. "Annyeong kookie."
"Ne. Kookie."
"You look cute!" I said poking his pale cheeks that were soft and chubby, rubbing his red nose and ruffling his wet hair. "Yah! What happened to you all of a sudden?"
"I don't know, is it bad?"
"No. I like it." I nodded and started going to bed. I slept on the sofa like he said. But in the morning I woke up in the bed next to a NAKED jungkook. I turned around and felt a long cylindrical figure resting between my thighs. I looked down worried to see that it was jungkooks penis. "JUNGKOOK!" I screamed. "What?!" He woke up dazed. "W-wear c-clothes!" I said covering my eyes. "Nah. I always sleep naked. Even if someone's with me. Especially a noona."
"YAH BYUNTAE! How'd I get on the bed?"
"I picked you up and put you here when you fell asleep. I can't believe you actually believed me when I said I'd sleep in the bed and you'd sleep on the sofa. I'm not that bad of a boy."
"Oh..thank Can you please put in some clothes?"
"Sure." He threw off the blanket revealing his fully naked body. I covered my eyes as j felt his abs touching my arms. "J-jungkook-ah?"
"G-get off!" I screamed as I pushed him off and forced him to wear some clothes by hitting his back continuously. "My flight. I'll be late. See you jungkook!"
"Noona! Give me your number!"
"Huh? Why?"
"Becaus- I want to keep talking to you.."
"Here." I gave him my number and Instagram account. "Thank you!" I smiled and left after hugging him and squeezing his butt. "Aish, who's the BYUNTAE now?" He laughed. I smiled and left. Boarded the plane. Sat between Hoseok and Jimin again. Talked for the rest of the journey. And I think I fell in love..with Hoseok..

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