Harry: "Y/N! Come on it's snowing, lets go outside!" Harry yells through the house, you dash down the stairs at the word 'snow'. Once you're all bundled up you both fall into the piles of falling snow. You two usually spend hours making snowangles around the yard!
Liam: You two will build a snowman and make sure to dress it up. After spending a few hours on that, you usually start a snowball fight! All afternoon you guys are outside doing anything possible. Then you go inside and drink hot chocolate.
Niall: You guys build separate forts and have a contest to see who's is the best! You will help him sculpt random stuff out of blocks of snow after your forts are built. Occasionally you or Niall will get snow in the face.
Louis: From the time you go out to the time you go back in, it's all snowballs!
Right when you get outside, you'll make sure to build a barrier to keep you from getting hit. You both pelt snowballs like it's your job!
Zayn: You and him will go for a walk downtown and look at all the christmas lights and end up sitting on a park bench. You both love watching the snow float down to the ground.