He's in an emergency (Part 2)

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Harry: You make it to the hospital and run in, leaving Harry in the car.

"Help me! My boyfriend is in the car and I think he has appendicitis!" You panic as nurses run out with you with a stretcher.

You help them get Harry out of the car and they rush in while you follow behind.

You're told to wait outside the emergency room until some one tells you otherwise.

You sit anxiously, tapping your foot, pacing around, and occasionally getting water for about 3 hours!

Right when you can't handle this anymore, a nurse comes out!

"Harry is okay, his appendix burst and he is very lucky." The nurse says, relieving you.

"Follow me, love." She says, leading you down the hallway.

You reach room 385 and walk in to see a still sleeping Harry.

You sit in the chair beside his bed and stroke his curly hair.

His arm starts moving a bit, making you jump.

"Haz?" You whisper, caressing his pale cheek.

"(Y/N)?" He asks, his voice rough.

"You alright?" He continues, looking you in the eyes.

"Yes. You're okay!" You exclaim happily, wrapping your arms around him and lightly hugging him.

"I'm okay, baby." He whispers in your ear, hugging you tighter.

Niall: Despite red lights and traffic, you make it to the hospital at pretty much the same time the ambulance does.

You see Niall being rolled down the hallway on a stretcher, so many things hooked up to him it's scary.

You quickly text the other boys about what's going on and they get there a few minutes later.

"Niall had to leave practice early because he wasn't feeling well." Zayn brings up, putting his head in his hands.

"I never knew it was that bad." Liam adds on, putting an arm around you.

"Anyone here for Niall Horan?" A doctor asks, stepping out of a room.

"We all are." Harry says, standing up with the rest of us.

"Come with me." The doctor says, leading us through the heavy door.

He leads us to a small room, Niall laying there in bed and awake!

You run to him and give him a huge hug!

"Niall!" The boys say, piling into the room.

"Hey guys." Niall greets, his voice quiet.

"You alright, Nialler?" Louis asks, sitting on the chair.

"Ya. It wasn't an asthma attack. I had an allergic reaction." Niall replies, clearing things up.

"(Y/N), thank you for helping me. You practically saved me life." He says, his adorable accent clearer.

"I'm glad I found you." You reply, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"We couldn't lose you." You continue, not wanting to let go of him.

Louis: "Ow..." Louis's voice groans from the backseat.

"Did you move?" You ask, keeping your eyes on the road.

"Maybe..." Louis replies, you can just picture that innocent smirk on his face.

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