Marcel imagine part 2

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Ok so here is part two this probably my favorite part right now hope you all like it:)

" ok so your project will be on the different parts of the ocean or the habitats in the ocean. For example one group did a project on the ocean floor, another group did one on the coral reefs. So now get with your partner and start working for the rest of the class because I will not be allowing you to work on this any other time in class so get to work." After the teacher lectured us about the project I moved over to where Marcel was sitting, he already started coming up with ideas about the project. "Hey" I said "h-hi" he stuttered back "so what habitat do you have in mind for the project" "um w-well I-I was thinking a-about d-d-doing coral reefs i-if that is ok with you. (Y/n)?" " yea that's fine, so what kind of presentation should we do?" "A-are y-you able to do a p-power p-point if not t-that's ok" it is actually kinda cute when he gets nervous about asking for things. WAIT CUTE WHAT no no no i have to get that out of my head "(y-y/n)?" " oh, yea i can do a power point" so then we just talked and organized the project *bell rings "hey Marcel if you want I am not doing anything after school do you want to come over to my house and we can start on the power point." I asked him as he was still packing his books "um yea s-Sure that would be great" he said with a little smile. " ok cool here's my address and phone number so that way I can text you details later or something" I said smiling back "thank you and s-see you later" he said walking out of the classroom.

The rest of the day was boring besides lunch because I could finally talk to my friends but besides that everything else was boring. And when school was over I got in my car and drove home.

Part three will be coming soon :)

Marcel imagineWhere stories live. Discover now