The Wedding Day

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Hello there! I just thought that since I'll be away for a while, I might as well give you something special. So this is a story I've been starting to work on. And it's a series of short stories - each with different stories to tell.

Basically, this is the first story. Part one entitled: REGRETS. And I'm uploading two chapters! Because the first chap is too short.

Just an info, the setting will be here in the Philippines (yea, i'm starting to be nationalistic) and i'll be using Filipino Actors/Actresses for the cast. :)

Hope you like it! And I promise I'll be back soon!




Chapter 1:

Excitement and anxiety filled me as I entered the plane. After three years of staying abroad, I am finally going home - luckily, it was summer vacation.

I am currently a student at Harvard University taking up a Business Administration course as my parents told me - because we are all businessmen in the family. But...I never dreamed of becoming a businesswoman or a successor of our company. All I ever wanted is to be a novelist.

My brother also studied in the same school that's why I studied there. Again, it's not that I wanted to but because my brother have been my standard since I was...born. My parents always, and I mean, always, compare me to him. And it has been my life to meet my parents' standard - my brother.

Don't get me wrong. I love my brother - so much. And he's the main reason why I am going back to the Philippines. And the other reason was...

I opened my bag and took out the wedding invitation. And as I opened it, my eyes were glued on one name:

Terrence Martinez

Wedding Singer


Are you intruiged? Hehe. Anyhow, don't forget to vote, comment and fan! :)

Love you!

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