Between Love and Friendship: Chapter Four

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Hellooooo! Finally uploaded. My Wattpad Schedule was totally ruined. I am B-U-S-Y like crazy these past few days.

Anyhoo, keep the comments coming. I enjoyed reading them!

Happy reading!


Chapter Four:

At his studio

“I thought you’ll never come.” I said as my cousin, Miguel, entered my studio. “Please have a seat, Miggy.”

He snorted. “I’m not a kid anymore, Emil. So will you please stop calling me Miggy.”

“Just kidding.” He sat down and I noticed this band-aided part on his right eyebrow. “What happened to that? Got into fight?”

He touched it. “I’ve had an encounter with a snatcher.”

“You’ve been snatched?”

He shook his head. “Not me. A girl.”

“Oh.” I smiled at a thought. “Trying to impress, huh?”

He shot me a glare. “I would never sacrifice my meeting with Rej just to impress some random girl.”

“Rej? The one you’re crazily head-over-heels with back in high school?”

He simply nodded.

“You met with her?”

“Supposed to.” He answered. “But instead, I helped this girl and then Rej is gone.”

“Ouch.” I said, mockingly. “What a sad life you live.”

“Speak for yourself.” He mocked in return. “What did you call me for, by the way?”

“Oh, right.” I remembered. “You know how to handle a camera, don’t you?”

He laughed under his breath. “Of course, I do. I’m not stupid.”

“I need an assistant photographer for this wedding I need to cover.”

“You already mentioned that last night.” I did? I don’t remember. “Don’t you have assistants here?”

“I do. But they were in a leave.”

“Maybe you’re not paying them well.” I shot him a glare. “Whose wedding is it, by the way?”

Now that he mentioned it, it all came back to me. “Brian’s.” I answered.

“Brian as in your best friend, Brian?”

I nodded.

“Who’s the lucky girl?”


He laughed. “Wow. You really must be best friends.” I looked at him with confusion. Because frankly, I don’t get it. “The girl your best friend is marrying and the girl you fell in love with when you were in Europe has the same name.”

“It’s the same girl.”

And he was silenced. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He said.

“I really wish I am.”

“No way.” He gasped.

“Yes way.”

 “Tell me about it, then.”

And so I did. I told him how Brian and Max, according to Brian’s story, met two or three months ago, how clueless I am that he’s marrying the same girl I’ve loved, and how I wish I’ve contacted Maxene after her graduation, how I acted yesterday and how Brian told me he didn’t want to see my face again.

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