Putting Plans Into Action

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"Well that seemed to go well." The Hood turned away from the transmitter and faced his henchmen, "even if I do say so myself." He removed the chip from his neck and appeared as himself once again. "Boss, not to worry you or anything but the boy will be coming around soon. If he wakes up and isn't silenced he could ruin the whole plan. I mean he could find a way to communicate with his friends, after all he'll know every nook and cranny in this place as this is his ship. And if that happens then poof there goes my money."

"Don't worry about your money. Tie him to a chair in the centre of a backroom, take every precaution necessary. That includes stripping him of his suit." The Hood walked past his acquaintances and towards a smaller control panel which had holographic demographics of Tracy Island from every angle. The Hood analysed each diagram. The men looked at eachother in hope that their master may be joking, one of them indicated to speak up and the other shrugged. "Sir." Without batting an eyelid the Hood stated "You have your orders, now go and fulfil them. I don't want to be doing everything around here." With a wave of his hand his henchmen made their way towards the cupboard where John was situated.


"Scott did you record the transmission? Is there anyway we can re-watch the conversation or listen to it?" Grandma Tracy scoured her son's desk whilst Scott stared into space. "You better not be torturing yourself about John." Scott turned to face his Grandmother with eyes that threatened to spill tears.

That was when Grandma Tracy knew that the person who had contacted Scott wasn't John. She went over to her grandson and hugged him from behind the chair so her arms were wrapped around his neck. It was an awkward hug, but then again pretty much any hug in the Tracy family was awkward. (Let's just say they aren't the 'hugging' type!) "It's okay Scott, we'll get through this." Scott leaned his head into his grandmothers arms. "It's all my fault. If I had done something-" Scott started but Grandma Tracy cut him off. "This is not your fault Scott. There is nothing you could have done. There's nothing any of us could have done. John took all the safety precautions and unfortunately that was not enough. This is not on you. Do not burden yourself with shoulds and should nots." Grandma Tracy had moved to face Scott and was now trying to look him in the eye but he was too focused on the floor.

"Look at me" she said gently, considering the statement. But Scott's eyes did not leave the floor. He was twiddling and twirling his fingers, distracting himself from his thoughts. Grandma waved her hand infront of his face, still nothing. "Right, time to do things the hard way." She spun the office chair rather quickly. She heard Scott groan and when the chair finally stopped spinning, Grandma Tracy stood with a wide grin. "Grandma, ugh. Great you've set off my vertigo. If I throw up-"

"Oh stop being a big baby. You can fly a rocket  that goes 15,000 miles per hour, but can't take a spinning chair? Get a hold of yourself and start thinking of a plan of how we are going to get our John back."


"So let me just get this straight. We have word of John, that he's okay and stuff. But Scott doesn't think it's John." Y/N stated, clearly confused. "I think that's what Scott meant. But then again we didn't see or hear the transmission, if we had, I certainly wouldn't be sat here doing nothing." Alan said through gritted teeth, trying to hold back his anger. "Alan calm down, the last thing we need is to be at each others throats. Has anyone got any ideas on what we can do whilst we wait for Scott and Grandma?" Virgil tried to lift the sombre and depressing mood. Although it was understandable, it was also pointless. No one could do anything until Scott came back and gave them instructions.

((You might be thinking why do they have to wait for Scott? Well lets just say if any of the inhabitants of Tracy Island went behind the Head of the Island's back, there was Hell to pay. Being dead would be better than feeling the wrath of Scott Tracy.))

Even though Virgil, and everyone else in the lounge area wanted to help John, they didn't know where to start. Questions raced through their minds. Was John actually in danger? If he was, then what the Hell was International Rescue up against? If he wasn't in danger, then why did Scott think he was?  What if it was a repeat of what had happened to their father? "What like a game?" Kayo asked, interrupting everyone's thoughts (probably for the best). "A game, at a time like this? Come on Kayo." Alan spat. "No Al, that's not a bad idea. Virg, you remember that game we played with Grandma, Al and Y/N when Colonel Casey came to break the news about Dad? We haven't played it since then." Gordon stated, looking to his older brother with those big, chocolate eyes, that you just couldn't say no to. Now Gordon wasn't the one you'd expect to come up with such an idea. Normally he wouldn't, but every now and then he'd come up with something that wasn't entirely ridiculous. "If you can remember how to play then by all means, take it away." And with that Gordon jumped up from his place on the couch and headed straight to the kitchen.

After several long minutes of clattering cupboards, Gordon reentered the lounge area with several glasses and a dice. Virgil helped Gordon set up the game. Alan rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest, but kept his mouth shut. Y/N was talking to Kayo, as well as twirling her hair, an indication that she wasn't listening or she was overtired. There was still no sign of Scott and Grandma and Brains, well Brains had disappeared, no doubt trying to think of a way to check up on Thunderbird 5 without being detected, even by John!

Gordon coughed an everyone turned to face him. "Well now I have your attention-" he started but Alan cut him off. "I'm not playing a stupid game! I don't know about you guys but I'm going to do something that is actually going to help find my brother!" He stormed off upstairs. "I'll go after him" Kayo firmly stated, suggesting that no one else needed to follow her. "Well I guess it's just us three!" Gordon said a little too happily. "Honestly you're such a kid!" Y/N yawned but moved over to where the glasses were set up on the floor inbetween the couches and the coffee table. 

Just as Virgil rolled the dice to start the game, Scott rushed in. He frowned at the sight of the three of them on the floor. "Where the Hell is Alan?" Scott shouted. "Hey Scott calm down! One of you go find your brother and the other two go find everyone else, it's important!" Grandma said much more calmly, but there was a hint of urgency in her voice. Y/N rushed for the stairs and Gordon headed for Brain's Lab. Virgil looked at his older brother and his grandmother, Scott was physically shaking and Grandma had one hand on his shoulder as they made their way to the centre of the room. "Virgil" Grandma said too sweetly, making her way over to him.

"Kayo's with Alan upstairs Grandma, I'm pretty sure Y/N can get the both of them without my help. I might as well tidy these away so no one knocks them over in a huff." Virgil said matter-of-factly. Alan raced into the room before Grandma could give a reply. "Scott, what is it? What are we going to do?" Alan rushed. "Hold you're horses Alan, wait for everyone else." Scott said a little shakily but he still had a smirk plastered on his face. "No Scott I-", "Wait for everyone else Alan" Scott said much more sternly, his smirk gone. But it was at that point everyone else had arrived and were already sat in their seats or making their way over to them.

Once everyone was in their seats Scott began. "As you all know I have my suspicions about John. Now the only way to confirm that is with this plan me and Grandma have put together. Long story short, we aren't going to do anything. When he calls treat him as you always have. I intend to go along with any of his ideas and listen to him as my brother, I expect everyone to do the same. Is that understood?" A chorus of yes's and yep's echoed around the room with the odd 'I suppose'. "Good. Now I'm going to call him right now in here. But I'm afraid Y/N you're going to have to step out of the room, I'm not saying upstairs but going to your room might be a good idea incase 'John' has tabs on us.I'm pretty sure I know what 'John' will end up talking about and if I'm right then you being here will raise suspiciouson, but everyone please just act natural and play along, follow my lead if you get stuck. I'm going to apologise in advance if I end up shouting at any of you, or doing anything rash."

Y/N saluted "Yes Sir" and headed towards the stairs. Scott pressed a few buttons on his wrist watch and everyone waited anxiously for John's hologram to appear above the coffee table.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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