I was happy... till my mate rejected me.

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My heart was hammering in my chest. My head felt like it would explode. My body felt like giving out. My wolf felt the need to die. I mustered all the strength I could to speak. “W-what?” I felt my eyes water. I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“I said, ‘I do not want you as my mate.’ I am in love with someone else.” Justin repeated.

Emma Silvestre was a joyful, loving 16 year old. She was the one that everyone loved. She was a carefree person. She was always happy, always smiling, always laughing. That was until one day, she met her mate. One would think, 'wow, she is lucky! I want to find my mate one day!' Well, that wasnt her case. Justin Richardson was always one to play around with girls. Always a new girl everyday. Claiming they were his 'mate'. As she is getting rejected, fate changes her life. Join her journey through heartbreak, love, but as fate always has something in store for us, surprises. 

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