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Hey guys! My name is Jenny! And this is my first story on here! I hope you like it! I don’t want to keep you waiting, so I will just seal it here. Fan, Comment, Vote!

~Xoxo Jenny


{Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes}


My heart was hammering in my chest. My head felt like it would explode. My body felt like giving out. My wolf felt the need to die. I mustered all the strength I could to speak. “W-what?” I felt my eyes water. I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“I said, ‘I do not want you as my mate.’ I am in love with someone else.” Justin repeated.  I felt like I could die… I looked closely at his face. Emotionless. Nothing. Not even a hint of sadness. That was when my sadness quickly turned into anger.

“I can’t believe you! Mates are supposed to be one of the happiest things that could happen to a werewolf! And here you are! Saying you are in love with someone else!” I didn’t bother holding back the tears. I knew they were coming out. There was no way I could hold them back. I cant believe how fucked up my life was. My parents passing away… and now this?! Kill me now.

“I’m sorry Emma. You are not my mate. Amy is. Not you. She is the one I want to live with. Have a family with. Die with. I don’t. want. you.” He emphasized every word. And with every word, it seemed a knife was being plunged into my heart. My wolf was fighting to get to the surface. She was heartbroken, but furious. So was I. But I pushed her down. 

“You know what Justin? Fuck. You. You are nothing but a man whore! That is what you always say! No, she is my mate. No, the other is my mate. No, this one is my real mate. You are just saying that to get in their pants! I hate how fate made me end up with you! Nothing but an as-“ I was cut short as I heard a smack in the air. Except, it was delivered to me. I fell to the ground holding my now red, throbbing cheek. I looked up at him, a tear falling from my eyes. “Who are you?” I whispered. This was not the Justin I knew.

He looked at his hand in horror, acting like he didn’t mean it. But I knew deep down, he did. He has never done anything without a meaning or a purpose. “I-I… I didn’t mean to! I don’t know what came over me, I swear! Here let m help you up.” He bent down to help me, but I just scooted back. 

“Don’t touch me.” I said through gritted teeth. I looked up in his eyes. Bad mistake. I melted immediately. I say regret and horror in his eyes. But he quickly looked away.

“Jason, help me. Please.” I said through our link. I then again starred at Justin in disgust. I stood up, letting my cheek go. “I was right. You are an asshole.” He looked at me and his eyes flared in anger. He raised his hand again, but was stopped midway.

“You touch my sister again, I will assure you, you will be wishing you never existed.” I gaped in horror. I knew my brother was protective, but threatening the future alpha!? I just expected him taking me away. I looked over at Justin. He had a look ready to kill, and I know his wolf was demanding to get out.

“Who are you to say!? I am about to be Alpha, and I deserve some respect!” He roughly yanked his arm out of my brothers grasp.

“What you deserve is for someone to kick your ass and kill you.” He said, venom in every word he spoke. He looked over at me, his eyes softening. “Come on Emma. It’s time to go.” He gently grabbed me by the waist, got me in his car, and drove us home.

Little did I know this was going to be the beginning of a new Emma Silvestre. And one that I didn’t like either…










What did you guys think!? I really hoped you liked it! Please comment and give me your opinions! It would mean the world to me! 

All Rights Reserved. ®

{P.S. I don’t know how to do covers. So if anyone of you guys would like to make me one, I would love it! I will dedicate a chapter to you! :)}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2012 ⏰

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I was happy... till my mate rejected me.Where stories live. Discover now