2. Greetings

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Mi-yeon P. O. V.
As first class came to an end, Hana still hadn't come in. I was worried but scared because anything could of happened.

As I make my way to my next class I see Hana running in, hair flying everywhere and she's holding her bag tightly, it looks like it's about to break. Next thing I know she standing next to me trying to get her breath back,
"Sorry *breaths* I'm really l- *breaths* late. *breaths* I woke up late and *breaths* missed the b-bus." I giggled to myself then said,
"It's not me you should be saying sorry to its sir." And just on cue Mr.Nam walked out, Hana gave me a look and walked over to him.

Whilst she was apologising I went to put my stuff in my locker, but as soon as I turned around someone bashed into me, causing my books and papers to scatter everywhere. Luckily the halls were half empty, not many students around. I sighed as I bent down to gathers them, greeted by someone's black shiny shoes, then slowly their knees, then just their hair as their head was down. I knew it was a boy as they were wearing a suit. The person was gathering my papers as I was gathering my books and folder. I stood up, as I had finished getting my books, but this person was still on the floor getting the last of my papers.

As they got the last of my papers, they stood up and brushed their hair to the side. Then I saw their face, I froze for a minute and studied their face,
"Here you go. Your papers, I'm really sorry about that. I should of been looking where I was going."
That snapped me out of my day dream, it's was the guy I saw in my first class and I think he is the CEO. But that voice I recognise it from somewhere but I can't pinpoint it.

"Oh thank you, it's no problem accidents like this always happened." He smiled, showing his teeth . Cute kind of smile, I looked at his hand he was still holding the papers and I quickly realised so I took them off him. He stared at me for a while then said,
"Mhh I recognise you from somewhere, but I just can't pinpoint from where I know you." He tilted his head to the side,
"I was saying to myself that I recognise
your voice because I swear I've heard it before. Oh and sorry Sir ,welcome to our collage." I bowed, then he smiled , and pointed his finger at me,
"Ah that's where I know you from. Your father is the head of our company, so there is no need for the formalities. In fact me and your father were talking about how he wants you to m-" Just then Hana came running back,
"Okay, we can go now." Then she looked at the man and came closer to my ear,
"Who's that?" She whispered in my ear,
"It's the CEO the one you were telling me about." Then her eyes widened and then she turned to him,
"Hello Sir. Welcome to our collage. I hope it's good so far." He was about to speak when,
"Get to your next class girls." Was heard by Mr.Nam. He never got to finish what he was saying, damn it. We both bowed and made our way to our next lesson.

"So then what happened with you two?" Hana said raising an eyebrow and smirking,
"Oh gosh Hana really. Nothing like that happened, he just accidentally walked into me and helped to pick up my books and papers." She pushed her hair back with her hand,
"Are you sure?" I sighed then said,
"Then he told me that he knows my father, as my father is the head of his company and we've meet before. That's why I kinda recognise his voice, just not his facial features, then he was telling me something before you rudely interrupted." She widened her eyes and am raised her eyebrows,
"Maybe he was going to confess to you." I almost choked on air,
"Why would he confess, he barely knows me. Just because my father is the head of the company doesn't mean he know me very well." She stopped and grabbed my shoulders,
"Well I mean it is possible, it could happen, and hasn't your mother and father been looking for someone for you to marry?" I took her hands off my shoulders,
"There is not way I am going to marry, not matter how rich or how good looking. When the time is right I will." I walked off to class , leaving Hana behind me.
Why does this always happen, I don't want to marry. She knows I don't want to. I just want to wait until I'm ready, until I truly fall in love. Till I find someone who I will love for ever....
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading, please don't forget to comment, like , and vote. Again thank you for reading I hope this book goes very far......

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