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That's all I can say to you.

You pass right by.

You pass right through.

You don't love me,

and I know you never will,

I'm a nobody.

A nothing

3ven a piece of trash,

to you.

But still,

I will try,

and try,

and try again.

I'll chase you down

until the end of time



I'll chase you until I've crossed the boundaries of reality.

the boundaries of mortality,

of love itself,

because what I feel is no longer love.

It's an obsession.

An obsession to feel your touch

Hear your voice

To Know you're still breathing.

If I am considered a stalker

Then so be it.

Those other people just can't see it.

So let them snarl and stare

Because I will never care.

They are just jealous,

So there.


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