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I twisted the combination in on my locker and swung it open to grab my history books. Right then the bell to first hour rang loud overhead. I groaned. This was my 4th tardy just this first week of school. Now my chances of making the school swim team are slim to none.
   I shut my locker with a hint of anger and turned around. On the other side of the hall was a girl with a piece of paper. She was studying the paper with a troubled look.
   She was pretty, the girl. She had long blond hair that hung down to the middle of her back in a fishtail looking braid. She was definitely a preppy one. Her outfit looked as if she spent over $300 on it.
   I walked towards her. "Lost?" I gave a smile.
   She laughed a soft laugh and lowered the paper. "Yeah it's my first day." She had a strong British accent. "Just transferred from Manchester. Can't understand a bloody thing on this sheet of paper." The 'er' sounded more as if it were spelled papah.
    "Here let me take a look." I looked over the paper. First thing I looked at was her Student Identification....
Regain Heist
   Student ID # 707345889
   Locker # 441
   "Regain?" I tried her name.
   "Yep that's me." she smiled showing perfect white teeth. "Now would you mind helping me find Biology? It says it's room 553?"
   "Sure, it's right down the hall from my class." I held my books in my left arm and began walking with her.
   "Might I ask what your name is?" She broke the small silences l.
    "Elizabeth but everyone calls me Lizzie or Liz." I smiled over at her. "Might I ask why you transferred from Manchester to come to a place like Maine?" I laughed softly.
   Regain sighed as if it is a long story.
   "If it's personal you don't have to explain. I understand." I added to keep tension on the D.L.
    "No, no it isn't that. Just hard to explain is all. You see my father is a huge artist and my mother a very successful photographer so we travel a lot and they've torn me from almost 7 schools already." She smiled again, looking down at her books, situating them so they wouldn't fall out of her arms.
   "Seven? Dang..." I helped her adjust her books.
    "Well looks like we're here."
  I looked up almost shocked that we were already there. "Oh okay..well I'll see you around?" I added hopefully.
   "Sure here's my number..." Her frail hands held my wrist and she took out a red pen. Regain smiled up at me and entered her class.
   My eyes studied the seven digits that were scribbled on my wrist. The corners of my mouth tilted up. Looks like my day just got 10 times better.

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