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1;20 AM

you were on the way to the supermarket

while mumbling some swear words.

you were pissed at your sister for always yelling at you

to buy food from the super market and even if you protest not to go

you 'had' to go because you had to

'understand' her because she's pregnant.


to be honest deep inside, you were excited to go to the


you actually enjoyed going there specially during midnight because that's where your

only 'friend' was at and you never saw him other time and place.

his name was Haechan.

when you first 'talked' to him

you thought he just came out of the mental hospital

because he said the weirdest sentence to you

"Are you made of ice cream? Because I can't wait to eat you up"

like what the f*ck

what kind of kid says that to a stranger?

so your instant reaction was

"how old are you?"

he chuckled

"haha it's funny Y/N that you don't recognize me"


a/n: heh. how was the first chapter?

next chapter will be out when this story gets to 7 votes!!

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