In a small world.

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The sound of his shoes hitting the floor echoed as he circled me. He loaded the gun pointing it at me. "Im gonna tell you for the last time, Where is he?"I shot up from the sound of the alarm clock. I sighed and hit the snooze button. Im Alexis Johnson and I'm 16. My life is complete shit. My family just completely thinks im a freak because im not like them.
   First of all my family are mostly werewolves.  Yeah that's right wolves.  Crazy I know. It started down my dads bloodline as his great great grandfather got bitten. My mother on the other hand her family has been vampires for centuries.  You're probably wondering why Im not a werewolf or vampire. Well see i got lucky, I got the human side of the family like how my dad's sister is human. Most of my family thinks im a freak because I don't have the crazy vampire blood or werewolf running through my veins. I say it's a blessing. 
My brother on the other hand is mixed with both vampire and werewolf. He saved me from my father but we will get to that. 
   I sighed rolling out of bed. As my feet hit the cold floor i got up to go make my father breakfast. God lets not talk about what he would do if  didn't. I started fixing his breakfast as he came into the kitchen screaming. "You dumbass ugly whore" he yelled shoving me into the wall. He slapped me. You know i hate pancakes, he grabbed the pan hitting it against my arm. I tried not to scream as the hot pan burned into my skin. He growled as i tried to stand. "You cant do anything you bitch" he roared about to slap me when my older brother came in pushing him against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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