P.S. I Love You (Beatles fanfiction)

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The loud screams from thousands of pubescent girls filled the large stadium and could be heard from at least a block and a half away, as The Beatles all stepped out onto the stage for the first time this

evening. John Lennon went to the far right of the stage, Paul McCartney to the opposite side, George Harrison just to the left of Paul, separating them, and Ringo Starr sat at his drums at the back of the stage.

“Good evenin' everybody!” Paul shouted into his microphone and waved to the cheering crowd, who's volume rose even louder as he spoke. He grinned as he heard the crowds reaction and he looked over at John from across the stage, who's smile was just as big and he was waving to random girls in the audience and making weird faces. Paul stared at John for only a moment longer before he turned back to his microphone, clutching it in his hand firmly, his smile still strong. “We're..” Paul started to speak again and the crowd screamed even louder, so he fell silent until they quieted down. “Well, We're gonna start with a number that ye may be familiar with! It's called, uh, Twist and Shout!” He released the microphone from his grasp and he stepped back a bit as the boys started playing, John's strong voice ringing through the stadium.

I watched their movements closely, cupping my hands over my ears to block out some of the sound of the screaming girls as I bit my lip to hold back my own screams of excitement. Being only four rows back from the stage, all I was really interested in was memorizing their every movement and listening closely to their glorious voices harmonizing and rising above the large crowds loud noises. I did not however, want to wreck my voice from screaming, since I was invited to the after party by my friend Becky who's uncle owned the venue they would be at afterwords. If I was going to meet The Beatles, I didn't want my voice being croaky and horrid sounding. I would want it to be pleasant sounding, like I hadn't just screamed at the top of my lungs for two hours, trying to get the attention that I knew I would never get. Besides, I might get to meet them after the concert, if all goes well, and I won't need to scream this time.

Becky smacked my arm repeatedly and shrieked loudly as George smiled down at her, while he played his guitar, and he looked away again a moment later. “Did you see that??! Did you see what just happened, Christine???” She said loudly and excitedly as she turned to look at me.

“Yeah! George smiled at you!” I grinned back at her, then I gasp softly, my eyes growing wide “Maybe he'll recognize you when we go to the after party!” as I put the idea into her head, she squealed again, putting her hands over her face as she looked away from me and back to the stage, staring at George intensely, hoping he'll look back at her again.

The Beatles played through several of their hits, including a few from their new album, A Hard Days Night, which was soon to be released as a movie. The concert was soon over and the crowd buzzed with excitement as the girls in the audience looked over their shoulder one last time as they were leaving, in hopes of seeing their favorite Beatle again. All you could here from every corner of the stadium was talk of The Beatles. The way John made faces at the crowed, Paul's excitement as he played his bass, George's shy and quiet nature as he payed attention to playing his guitar, and Ringo's enthusiastic drumming. I sat in my seat staring at the empty stage in awe of what I had just witnessed, as I thought over the details of the past two hours.

“Well, come on then, we can't be late to the after party!” Becky whined and grabbed my wrist, pulling me from my seat and dragging me after her, into the crowd of people trying to leave.

“Why don't we just go out the back door? I'm sure if we show them proof that we're going to the after party, then they'll let us. Besides I don't really want to push through this crowd” I called up to Becky, stopping her from disappearing into the mass of people.

“Yeah, alright, we can try that” She shrugged and turned on her heals, quickly walking in the opposite direction.

I quickly followed her across the emptying stadium and towards the stage door, where there was several guards stationed. Becky walked right up to them and help up a badge he had that proved she was going to the after party and started pleading for them to let us out so we weren't late. After a lot of convincing, they finally let us through, one of them coming along as an escort, to make sure we didn't get into trouble, and to make sure we did as we said we would. As we got out into the back alley, a black, shiny car was pulling up to the door.

“Come on, lets get out of the way” I whispered to Becky as I stepped back from the door and away from the car. She followed right behind me and we walked down the alley together, stopping several feet away to see who the car was for.

Only a moment later, three of the four Beatles themselves came walking out to the car, talking amongst themselves and imitating the screams and reactions from crowd. I watched in awe, shocked that they were standing right in front of me, as they piled into the car.

“Come on then, John, we can't be late! The crowds will be floodin' the streets soon!” A voice called from the car.

“I'm comin', don't get yer knickers in a twist!” A voice, who I assumed was Johns, called back from inside, and only a moment later, John Lennon strutted out into the alley. He walked over to the car as he mumbled to himself inaudibly.

I watched him closely, forgetting that he could see me staring, and I snapped out of my daze as his eyes locked on mine. We stood there staring at each other from across the alley, until a voice called from the car again “John, what do ye bloody think yer doin'?? Get yer arse in here!” John looked away from me quickly and got in the car, without saying a word. The car door shut and a moment later the car sped off down the small dark road and onto the main street, passing by groups of screaming teenage girls.

Becky and I watched the car drive off, then she turned to me, her eyes wide and her jaw to the floor, “John noticed you! Christine, John Lennon was staring at you!” She squealed in her usual high pitched voice, that was about five octaves higher than the average persons voice.

“I know! Now lets get going so we can get there on time! And maybe I'll have the chance to talk to him!” I grin excitedly and take off running down the alley, heading towards the venue where the after party will be held.  

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