Part two

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We ran all the way to the street the venue was on and after catching our breath at the corner of the street, we walked the rest of the way to the front door, that had multiple guards standing in front of it. Becky showed them our invitations and they stepped aside, letting us in.

“wanna go get a drink first? Or want to see if we can find The Beatles??” I asked Becky excitedly, a skip in my step as I look around the room, watching the different people mulling around. “Becky?” I turned to see why she wasn't answering, and to my dismay, I was all alone.

I walked through the small venue where The Beatles after party was being held, my messy auburn curls falling into my face as I frantically looked around for Becky. I spun on my heals to look through a large crowd that was forming behind, and I peaked through, in hopes of seeing her. I scanned the room quickly, people starting to fill the room, and I began to grow desperate. I decided to go check outside for her, so I pushed my way through the crowd and out the front door. As I stepped outside into the empty street, a cold breeze hit me, sending chills up my spine.

“What are ye doin out 'ere miss, the party's inside” A voice said from behind me. I spun around to face the man who had spoken to me, and I gasped softly as my eye locked on John Lennon's, once again. He was standing there leaning against the brick wall nonchalantly, a cig in hand and he took a long drag. His eyelids were heavy as blinked a few times, smoke curling up around his face while he looked me up and down curiously. “Well come on then, speak up” He turned his eyes to mine again as he held his cig between his lips, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets to keep them warm.

“I.. Uh.. I was just looking for my friend..” I stuttered as I watched him in shock.

“Well, why would she be outside? Check with Paul, he's always the one to woo the new birds the room. And if she's pretty, than I can guarantee he's got her” He chuckled lightly and dropped his cig on the ground, crushing it with his foot. “So, whats yer name?” The cig went out as he kicked some snow over it, then looked around to make sure nobody saw, before he walked over to me, having to look down as he towered above me.

“M-my name's Christine..” I said quietly as I looked up at him, feeling a little dizzy at the realization that I was actually talking to John Lennon himself.

“Ah, Christine. Say, didn't I see ye earlier in the back ally behind the stadium?” he questioned and raised an eyebrow curiously. As I responded, he tried to subtly look my body up and down nodding to himself in approval.

“Oh, y-yeah... I was at the concert, and I was trying to leave without having to push through the crowds..” As I responded, he tried to subtly look my body up and down, nodding to himself in approval. “The alley just seemed like the best idea to me.”

He nodded in agreement and glanced back at the front door to the venue, “Can I buy ye a drink, Christine? I'm gettin' a bit chilly, so I was gonna head inside soon anyways. Why don't ye join me?” He looked back at me and smiled, offering his hand to me, to take me inside.

I accepted John's offer and reached out to take his hand. His large hand was warm and oddly comforting as his callused fingers brushed against the back of my hand while he laced out fingers together. We walked back into the venue, the lights dim and the music loud, as people mulled around the room with drinks in their hands. The dance floor was packed with drunk people trying to show off their moves, while the rest of the room was filled with fairly sober people. In just about ever corner of the room there was a couple in a lip lock, adding more of a club like atmosphere to the room.

We made our way through the crowds to the bar at the very back of the room, and John's hand didn't loose contact with mine even once. As we got to the bar, I scanned my surroundings to see if I saw anybody familiar, and there, at the very end of the bar, was Becky. My jaw dropped as I saw her standing there with a boy, who had a guitar slung over his shoulder, and a drink in hand. Becky also had a drink and she was leaning against the bar, laughing and talking to the guy. I glances up at the boys face for the first time, and shock struck me as I realized who the boy was. He was George Harrison.

“Ah, would ye look at that. Georgie got lucky and scored 'imself a bird tonight!” John chuckled and grinned over at George, who looked seemingly embarrassed that John had seen him making attempts to get Becky home with him. Becky glanced over at me and grinned as we made eye contact, but she didn't stop talking to George for even a moment. I laughed softly and turned back to John, who was standing there with two beers in hand.

“Here ye go” He smiled happily and handed me one of the too, while he took a sip of his own. “So.. may I have this dance?” He offered his hand to you again, as he takes another large sip of his beer before he put it down on the counter of the bar. “Ye can keep yer beer with ye if ye want” I took his hand as he spoke, taking a quick drink of my beer before putting it down next to his.

“I like to have both hands free while dancing..” I smiled and he lead me to the dance floor, wrapping one arm around my waist.

As we stopped walking he pulled my body close to his, our bodies pressing together as we swayed to the slow melodic music. I cast my doe eyes up at him to see him already gazing down at me, a hint of a smile on his lips while he leaned his head down so his cheek was brushing against mine and his lips were hovering against my neck. I closed my eyes as I felt his hot breath against my skin, sending shivers down my spine and putting me into a small daze. His lips brushed against my neck softly for a moment before he closed the space between us, lightly pressing his soft warm lips against the side of my neck.

My heart raced as he slowly trailed seductive kisses down my neck and to my shoulder, inching the fabric from the sleeve of my dress off my shoulder so it wasn't in his way. As he reached the end of my shoulder, he lightly brushed his lips against my collarbone, before he send a line of gentle kisses back up my neck and to my ear.

“yer a right fine bird, miss. Ye know that?” He whispered faintly in my ear, his lips still hovering against it “I'd love t' get t' know ye better...” he kissed my ear as he mumbled quietly to me.

The song came to a halt just as I heard my name being called from across the room, and I bit my lip in disappointment from the interruption. John sighed softly as we both looked up to see who was calling my name, and a moment later, Becky came bounding out of a cluster of people, “CHRISTIIIINNE!” She hollered, worry on her face. The worry was instantly replaced with a huge, knowing grin as she saw me arm in arm with John. I sheepishly grinned back as she walked up to us, and John kept his arm firmly around my waist.

“Um... Becky, this is John... Lennon” I bit my bottom lip to hold back a laugh as she squealed with excitement.

“H-hi John, I'm Becky” She grinned and he shook her hand with his free hand.

“'Ello Becky, it's nice t' meet ye” He flashed her a smile as he subtly slid his hand from my waist, down to my hip, the palm of his hand firmly against my butt. Becky didn't seem to notice as she just stared at John in shock.

“Uh, Christine, I hate to do this to you... But we have to go if we want to be back by our curfew...” Becky sighed sadly and turned her gaze from John, to me. /

“Why did your parents set a curfew anyways?? We're nineteen. We don't need curfews anymore” I pouted slightly, taking a daring move and resting my head on Johns shoulder, to which he smiled widely in response./

 “I know, I know, but I don't want to get kicked out, so we have to follow their rules!” She argued and folded her arms over her chest.

“Fine, fine” I sighed sadly and looked up at John, “I guess this means goodbye..” I said quietly to him.

“Only if yer not willin' t' give me yer number” He give me a smile and pulled a pen from his pocket, holding it out for me to take, then pulling his sleeve up a little so I could write on his arm. I took the pen and quickly wrote my name and number on his arm, then Becky grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him.

“Come on, lets go!” She whined and dragged me after her. I turned to look at John over my shoulder who was watching me go, and smiling to himself. I waved goodbye, and he waved in response, just before we disappeared into the crowd, and out the front door. 

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