Chapter Fourteen) Aquarium Trip

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Y/n's P.O.V
Ever since the incident of me and Jack being kidnapped and escaping I finally was calm enough but we are gonna stay for one more week so me and Jack can record and explain what happened but not literally tell them just like we went to Felix's place for a almost a month.
Mariza) Hey Y/n how are you?
Y/n) I'm good just a little nervous going home
Mariza) You'll be fine and remember you have me and Felix's phone number
Y/n) Yeah thanks and where's Jack?
Mariza) In the living room with Felix
Y/n) Okay thanks
I was walking in the living room and I decided to scare them both so I went behind the couch and played a jump-scare
Jack) WHAT THE F**K!!!
Y/n) Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Jack) Y/n really
Y/n) Yes it was so funny
Felix) We seriously need to get the girls back
Jack) I agree with you on that
Mariza) Hey guys do you want to go to the aquarium?
Felix) Sure what about you two love birds?
Jack) Yeah that sounds like fun Y/n? Do you want to go?
Y/n) Sure let's go
Jack) Okay everyone get ready except for me and Y/n okay?
Mariza) Okay we got it Jack
Jack) Are you okay?
Y/n) Yes.......No
Jack) I know your probably nervous but let's never think that and let's just live a happy lives together forever okay?
Y/n) Okay Jack I love you
Jack) I love you too
Every time when Jack kisses me it's always so magical and...
Felix) WE'RE DONE!!!
Jack) Well that ended kinda short
Y/n) Hehe but it's always magical
Mariza) Aww I ship it
Felix) Me too S/n Away!!!
Jack) Really
Felix) Yes
Y/n) C'mon let's go
Jack) Okay okay

Jack's P.O.V
Me,Y/n,Mariza, and Felix are going to the aquarium and when we got there it was really pretty and all the cool creatures.Y/n looked really happy to see all the animals and insects
Y/n) Hey Jack?
Jack) Yes?
Y/n) Look * Points to the sharks*
Jack) Wow this is awesome
Y/n) Maybe we should go grab something to eat
Jack) Yeah let's go find the other love birds
Y/n) Yup

Y/n's P.O.V
We went to go find Felix and Mariza and Jack was holding my hand and every now and then he would kiss it, I think he was trying to make me blush which he successfully did
Y/n) Look I found them
Jack) Awesome but where are we gonna to eat?
Y/n) Let's ask them they probably know
Jack) Good point
Y/n) Hey Mariza do you know a good eating place
Mariza) Of course follow us
Felix) Yep some of the places are so good.
Jack) Hmm maybe we should take a picture at the aquarium before we leave
Y/n) Okay do you guys wanna join?
Mariza) Sure c'mon Felix
Felix) Okay okay I'm coming
Jack) Ready? we're gonna say sharks okay?
Y/n) Yes
Mariza) Yep
Felix) Yes
Jack) Okay there, two, one
All of us) SHARKS!!!

(Thank you guys for reading and sorry it's a little late I slept in and I have homework to do and thank you for reading Love you guys and Bye bye)

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