Chapter Eighteen) Halloween Party

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Bella's P.O.V
Today was Halloween one of the best holidays ever, and I didn't know what me and Sam were gonna be.Im thinking if Frisk because I have short brown hair and I made myself a sweater exactly like Firsk's sweater.
Bella) Hey Sam what are you gonna be for Halloween?
Sam) I don't celebrate Halloween though?
Bella) Really?
Sam) Yeah but I'll probably be a zombie
Bella) Classic let's go get Mommy and Daddy
Sam) Okay
We went downstairs to see our parents getting Halloween stuff and they said there is a surprise for us in there recording.Because mommy and daddy record videos together now and sometimes they don't.We went to the recording room and then we saw Markiplier,PewDiePie,MatPat,Mathias,Mariza,Amanda,Wade,Bob, Molly,Mandy,& cyndago brothers.
Bella) OMI Its our Favorite YOUTUBERS!!!!!
Sam) Bella calm down!!!
Bella) Okay I'm sorry
Sam) Hello I'm Sam and this is my sister Bella
Bella) Hello
Mark) Hi where's Jack?
Sam) Upstairs
Mark) Let's go help help them and you two it's nice to meet you too

Y/n's P.O.V
I heard Bella scream her favorite YouTubers which put a smile on my face
Jack) Someone is happy
Y/n) I'm always happy but do you still hate Mark
Jack) Not really he explained to me why he was that way
Y/n) And that is??
Jack) He was really jealous of us and he  then My ex helped him and controlled him or else something would happen but she's in jail
Y/n) That makes a lot of sense
Our daughters and friends helped us decorate the place and Sam looked confused of what was going on.
Y/n) Hey Sam you okay?
Sam) What is Halloween I've never celebrated it before
Y/n) You just dress up and go to house and say trick or treat and then they give you candy
Sam) Cool and what we doing?
Y/n) We are having a Halloween party and do you want to help me bake??
Sam) Sure
And I taught Sam everything she needed to learn to make the worm cake which in my opinion was the best cake ever.
(Time Skip because I'm in a hurry)
After we finished everything it was time for the kids to dress up and Bella was Frisk which was cute for her, and of course Jack was going all Kawaii on her, then Sam was a zombie which I thought looked amazing.
I took the kids trick or treating while the guys and girls had a party.After when we came back we partied until it was midnight and I tuck the kids in for bed and everyone was just sleeping. Except Jack.
Y/n) Hey
Jack) Y/n? I thought you were asleep
Y/n) Nope and guess what?
Jack) What?
Y/n) I love you
Jack) I love you too

( Hey guys sorry for it being short I just got home and I'm very busy and need to update the other books.I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love you guys and Bye bye)

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