Chapter 1

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"Jay bear."



"What, Jason? What could be so important that you had to ruin my sleep and don't you dare say that I have tutoring because yesterday was Saturday and Stacey doesn't come on Sunday so what? What do you want?" Justin snapped. If you can't already tell, he's not a morning person.

"Before I say anything answer me this, is me being bored more important than your sleep?" Jason questioned only annoying Justin more than he already was.

"Jason." Justin whined drawing out the 'n' in Jason, upset that he was awoken from a beautiful slumber. Though Justin hated being woken up, he didn't mind that he woke up to Jason's beautiful face; hell, he wouldn't mind doing it for the rest of his life if he was given the chance to.

"Justin." He mimicked.

"I hate you so much sometimes." Justin mumbled shaking shaking head as he got up. Only Justin knew how much of a lie that really was.

"I love you!" Jason yelled before running away. Justin's heart fluttered at the words he heard but sadly that's all they were, words. No meaning behind the cliched set of words. no, matter how much he hoped and prayed that there would be some sort of emotion behind his words, there never was; it was the sad yet simple truth. Nonetheless, Justin carried on hoping and praying that one day it would happen.

He simply shook his head at Jason childish ways and got out of bed. He then walked to his closet and grabbed a pair of gray sweatpants before putting them on. Justin made his way to his bathroom where he brushed his teeth and washed my face before attempting to do something to his hair. He wet his hands, shaking them, and ran them through his thick brown locks, somewhat taming the wild strands.

When Justin finished the task of taming his hair, he walked out of his room and made his way downstairs following the smell of food. It lead hi, to the kitchen where Momma, Lucie, Amber, and Jason sat eating the delicious looking food. The sight made Justin's eyes widen.

"You guy's started eating breakfast without me? That's just rude." He sassed causing the fours eyes to jolt towards Justin.

"Sowwy, Justy. Those mean lady's made me eat. I tried to get them to wait but they wouldn't. Don't be mad at me, Justy." Jason pouted acting like a five year old but on the inside, thoughts of Justin ran through his mind; Jason definantly didn't miss Justin's exposed torso, the sight made him want to jump Justin's bones right then and there.

"It's okay I believe you Jasey!" Justin exclaimed running up to the older man, kissing his cheek before he ran away to get food while giggling.

'So fucking adorable.' Jason thought, his mind clouded with thoughts of taking Justin and having him his way. The thoughts were so powerful, Jason began having trouble containing himself. 'Vagina, Saggy tits, Naked old women, Boobies' and with those thoughts , that were certainly unpleasant for Jason, The thought of a boner was long gone and his focus was now on the food that filled his plate.


"Jase, I need help. Your diabolical mind is the only one that can come up with a prank good enough to get back at her. Help me, please?" Justin pouted.

You see, his sister pulled an awful yet absolutely hilarious prank on him. What was the prank you ask? Well I tell you. First, she put itching powder in all of his boxers. Then, she took all of his clothes and hid them leaving only a t shirt and jeans. She cut the t-shirt up with scissors, basically shredding it. He would've been better off with no shirt at all. After that, she put food coloring in his tooth brush, so his mouth was stained blue for a couple of days. Then, when Justin took a shower, she took the clothes he had left and hid them. She sent him on a scavenger hunt to look for his clothes all through out the house and they ended up all being in his closet again. She also has videos of him walking around in his underwear, scratching furiously. It was pretty brutal.

"Really? Jay, you gotta fight your own battles! Stop using me for my evil mind, you dick! Do you even love me for me?" Jason wondered melodramatically.

Justin rolled his eyes at Jason's babyish ways. He looked at him muttering, "Yes, Jason. You know I love you, Jase, but I need your help! I can't get her back if you don't help me. I'm literally drawing a blank on how to prank her back. I also know for a fact that there are evil things conjuring up in you head as we speak, so help me!"

"Look, why don't you just glue all of her stuff in her bedroom to the wall," Jason smirked deviously as Justin's sinister joker smile appeared on his gorgeous face. "Then have her crush call her, fake wanting to hook up with her and before anything crazy happens, he pies her in the face and we get the whole thing in video. How about that?" He questioned finishing his idea.

"Jase, that's perfect! This is exactly why I come to you for all the answers. Your despicable mind creates only the best evil plans." He praised. It was very true though. Jason's pranks were legendary. He once pranked this kid at school by pouring mapple syrup on his head, stuffing his locker with feathers and when he went to take a shower, took his clothes so he ran out to the gym naked where everybody threw eggs at him. Only because he tripped Justin the day before. Funny thing was, Jason was never suspended. He did run that kid out of town though.

"Pranking is what I do best." Jason said smugly, a smirk on his face.

"You're telling me things that I already know Jase," Justin giggled, leaving Jason in awe at the sound.

"I think it's probably time to go get ready." Justin said as he remembered both of their schedules for the afternoon. They had a very important family dinner to attend.

"Or... we can lay down on the bed," Jason started as he dragged Justin along with him to the bed.

"then we could cuddle, order some pizza, watch movies, and focus entirely on us. Not our parents, not our friends- just us." He finished as he finally reached the bed, falling back on it and pulling Justin on top of him so he was straddling Jason's lap.

"Mmm, Jase, as nice as that sounds this is really important and I don't think we can miss it." Justin said as he started to climb off of Jason only making him hold on tighter.

"JuJu Bear, please? I just wanna cuddle and not worry about anything else." Jason pleaded. By now Justin was starting to let loose.

"Fine. We can cuddle for an hour, but we are getting ready after that. Deal?" Justin comprised hoping he was say because he really wanted that cuddle as well.

"Deal. Now come here." Jason smiled cheekily while Justin climbs back on him.

They turn on the tv and pull up Netflix, watching in silence and laughing at the funny parts, but this particular cuddle session was different.

They had never done this before in any of their cuddle sessions and it shocked both of them.

As Jason watched Justin's head fall back in laughter, he couldn't hold himself back. His hands, rested at Justin's waist, moved down slowly until each hand was rested on his ass. He then gave a firm squeeze, scaring Justin as he wasn't expecting it. He still let a moan slip out, encouraging Jason to continue his actions.

He began fondling with Justin's ass, as Justin lifted his head of of Jason's chest, his mouth in an 'O' shape. Jason pants tightened at the site.

He began to rock Justin ships back and forth finding some relief. Justin rested his forehead on Jason's, looking deeply in to his bright blue irises.

Jason's eyes traveled down to Justin's lips and back up to his eyes, Justin doing the same to Jason. Justin began to lean down his eyes locked with Jason's, his mind on his lips.

When they finally sealed their lips all Jason could feel was pure ecstasy. Same with Justin.

They kissed for what seemed like forever when it was really only about 2 minutes.

Justin didn't know how to feel but knew exactly how to feel. Jason's mind was completely blank. Something he had wanted to do for a while finally happened and he didn't know how to register it. He did know, however, that he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

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