Chapter Five

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Marshall's Pov:

"Fiona look at her!" Cake said excitedly.

I was at Fiona's tree house with Gumball and MC. We were all hanging out with the new kittens.

Things were actually quite awkward in the tree house. The party last night had been quite eventful.

Gumball seemed kind of weird towards me. I mean I know I kissed him without really an explanation, but he seemed really weird.

I didn't really know how to explain what I did or what it meant. I just know I kissed Prince Gumball, the biggest goodie two shoes in all of Aaa.

And I kinda liked it.

"BMO, record this, she's dancing!" Gumball said happily.

Gumball's Pov:

BMO rushed over to record the kitten that was dancing. Everyone was so happy watching the new kittens play and crawl around. But no one could ignore the thick tension that lingered in the air.

I can admit things were very awkward and scary for me after the party last night. For one LSP announced to everyone that I was gay. And secondly Marshall kissed me, without really any explanation.

I didn't know what to think. Did he like me? I don't know. But I knew if he did, I couldn't let him. He would use me, like Ashley had warned me. His ex, warned me about him. And I intended on following her advice.

Marshall wasn't for me anyway. He was a "bad boy", and I hated doing anything inappropriate or immature. He was so so sexy but he just wouldn't go well with me.

We are from two separate worlds.

Marshall's Pov:

"Everything has changed. You have five little babies to care for now. What does it feel like?" I asked Mono.

"It's different, but I like it. I love my kittens, and I love Cake. They are my world." He said.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked.

He nodded. "How did you know that cake was the one?" I asked.

"Well when I first met her, we had so much in common. We were such good friends for so long. Then, we got in a fight. The longer we were apart, the more I longed to see her. When we made up, I started noticing things I didn't notice before. And I realized, that I was in love with her, and I always had been." He said.

"So one day you just realized it?" I asked.

"I just knew." He said. "I felt it."

Hmm, I thought. Is that how love works? You just know. You feel it? How do you know what you're feeling is right, or wrong? Ughhhh, everything is so confusing.

"Glob!" Cake yelled. "That was the last diaper."

"Let's go get some then." MC said.

"I wanna go too!" Fiona said.

"Someone has to watch the kittens." Cake said.

"We'll stay." I said. I motioned towards Gumball. His body tensed up by the idea.

He looked up at me. His clear blue eyes inspected my face looking for a reason I wanted to be alone with him.

He knew me so well.

The three of them left. And it was just me, Gumball and five small sleepy kitties.

I picked up the kittens one by one and cradled them in my arms, so I could put them in bed. I kissed each of them on the head and lay them in their crib.

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