Chapter 4

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Hawk's mom came to a sudden stop and began digging herself into the ground. The movement was enough to stir Meliodas, and upon waking, his first thought was, 'It's really warm...' then upon opening his eyes his next thought was, 'Ah! Because boobs'. Elizabeth was still sound asleep, with her arms wrapped around Meliodas. It was nice... being this close to her. Not just being buried in her bosom... though... he wasn't complaining.

Asleep like this she just seemed... so happy.

The door swung open suddenly, "Captain! We're he-" Diane came in without announcing herself and got more than an eyeful of Meliodas buried in Elizabeth's bosom. Immediately her face went red with anger, and he could only assume it was because she had concluded he had put himself there. Not that he was going to have her think differently.

Elizabeth stirred, and she looked down to see Meliodas' beaming face not too far from hers, and her face went completely red, "S-Sir Meliodas?!"

Diane stormed in and grabbed Meliodas by the foot and dragged him out of bed and out the door, leaving Elizabeth completely shocked silent.

"Can't leave you alone for two seconds..." Diane growled under her breath as she dragged him down the stairs and onto the main floor where everyone watched as she threw him from her place on the last step across the bar into a table.

"Diane? What's wrong?!" King was quick to go to her side. Diane huffed, glaring Meliodas down, "That sleaze-bag was making the moves on Elizabeth again!"

"Ah, what do you care? You've got King. Why does it matter if cap'n wants a little something for his troubles?" Ban was in the kitchen area cooking breakfast and he didn't even turn around to see the commotion. Diane on the other hand suddenly went completely red at the mention of her relationship with King and the implication that Meliodas would be THAT kind of guy.

She wasn't the only one. Elizabeth stood behind Diane as she too had made her way down the stairs and now was bright red, "It's... It's okay! I have to pay him back somehow!" she was twisting the hem of the uniform of the Boar Hat in her fingers.

Is that what she really thought? Meliodas' heart sunk a little as he watched her. Why the hell did Ban have to say something like that? Even if she did owe him anything, he would never ask her to pay him back like that. The thought made him feel dirty. Sure he was a perv sometimes, but he wasn't a pimp. He didn't take sexual favors.

"Elizabeth – That's not-" Meliodas began before Diane swung around to look Elizabeth square in the eyes, "Elizabeth, none of us want you to pay us back. You don't owe us anything! Besides I KNOW the captain would never ask you to do anything like that!" She turned her head and gave him a look that said, 'right?' to which he nodded.

"Yeah! Besides, if anything I would say we're all pretty even right? You've saved us more than a time or two!" King chimed in next to Diane, hoping his helping her ease Elizabeth's worries would win him some favor.

"Really? You think so?" The silver haired princess twisted one of her locks in her fingers as she thought about their adventures up till now. She had been able to heal them all at least once.

Meliodas smiled with his arms propped behind his head, "Yeah, of course, we do. Now, let's all grab some breakfast and get down to the town! Maybe after we clear out the pests, they'll come buy some booze!"

By the time breakfast was ready, Merlin and Gowther had joined the group, everyone was enjoying their food and the company of the others. This was what Meliodas wanted for them all. They were all outcasts of society. Branded by their sins and then accused of betraying the kingdom, the Seven Deadly Sins were hardly welcome anywhere. This little piece of heaven was always what he had wanted for them. A place they could call home, surrounded by comrades and people that accepted them. Did he really have the right to take away what little peace they had gotten back?

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