Chapter 15

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Elizabeth stood with arms stretched out to her sides, her face screwed up in pain as the air was squeezed out of her body. This was absolute torture. She could almost feel the cracking of her rib cage, like each bone might break at any moment.


Elizabeth stumbled a bit as the tight hold on her was suddenly loosened. She dropped her arms with a heavy yet strained sigh. Peeking up, her cheeks flushed as she caught her reflection in the mirror she stood in front of. Behind her, Tessa wiped her hands off on her white apron as she examined the tight knots she had made of the insanely snug corset wrapped around Elizabeth's waist and bust. She was already wearing a long flowing skirt that fanned out behind her in a dark, almost blood red.

Tessa brought over a silken blouse that matched the skirt's color and extravagance and helped Elizabeth pull it over her head and arms. It rested bunched at her waistline, and with quick movements, Tessa managed to wrap a black sash around Elizabeth's waist to make a seamless looking dress.

"Much more acceptable." Tessa nodded but never did the scowl leave her face.

As Tessa left her side, Elizabeth was left there staring. Her hair had been pulled back, expertly braided, then twisted up into a bun. With the addition of the dress, she looked... different. This woman staring back at her was not the happy princess-turned-tavern-waitress she was so used to seeing in her reflection. This woman was too pale and looked like she hadn't smiled a day in her life. She never thought she would miss seeing a smile on her own face.

There was an irritated sigh to her side, and Elizabeth saw Tessa roll her eyes, "Could you look any more miserable?" she asked rhetorically, her brow shooting up in a questioning glance that made her look disapproving.

This made Elizabeth's eyes widen and cheeks flush. "Oh- I'm... sorry. I just..."

She just what? She WAS miserable. She had been taken from the happiest moment of her life to date, forced to become the bride of a man who looked like death and darkness incarnate. Was she supposed to be happy? Was she supposed to just accept this as her fate?

Tessa watched her while Elizabeth's expression changed from surprised to miserable again, "You don't need to be happy about this." Tessa started nonchalantly, seemingly reading the princess' mind, "Happiness is not a requirement of marriage. But, you could, at least, pretend like you have a shred of dignity as a princess. Do what needs to be done."

Elizabeth's jaw fell open. Tessa made it seem so clear and simple. When had she become so complacent that she would rather feel miserable than to fight for what she wanted, or thought was right? Her gaze shifted from looking at Tessa to looking at herself in the mirror once more. She stood a little taller, digging deep for the air of a royal princess she knew she could muster. Her lips turned up at the corners in the slightest of smiles that gave her a look of confidence she didn't know she could portray.

The slightest hint of amusement passed over Tessa's face as she regarded the princess now, "Good. Now, I will show you to the dining hall. Lunch has been served."

Tessa was quick to lead Elizabeth out of her room and down the stone hall. It was the first time she had been outside of the large bedroom chamber, and with the light pouring in through the frost covered windows, it looked far less threatening than it had the night before. Though, it looked and felt a lot colder without the warm candles lit in the halls. The hall seemed to stretch on forever and they passed many closed wooden doors that looked identical to the door to her bed chambers. They finally reached the end of the hall, and in front of them stood two large double doors. They entered without announcement, and immediately, Tessa curtsied low. "Your highness..."

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