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( Ash Pov)
  She hesitated so does that mean No? Or Uhh I don't know anymore.
   Maybe Leaf could help? 
   I walk outside look around a bit at the beauty of Pallet town. Right next door to the right is Gary's house. Where him, Leaf,  and Prof.  Oak lives. Just down the street from there is where the Lab sits.
    To the left of me is a bunch more residential house. One if they belongs to Dawn.
    I walk over to the Oak residents. Knock.
    "Why hello there, Ash"  Prof. Oak said with his usual tone. For a long time I loved his voice. Years went past and now it's just irritating. I came over very often growing up to play with Gary.
    "Gary's inside, I'll go get him for you." Oak said. 
   "Actually I was wanting to see if Leaf was here?"
   "Oh!  Yes I believe she is here." He said probably a little confused.
   About two or three minutes. Leaf steps out of the doorway slipping on her shoes all in one quick motion.
    "So hey Ash what's up" Leaf said tying her last shoe. 
    "I need to talk to you.  Er... For advice. Can we walk?"
    "Sure" We stepped off the porch and started walking towards the lab. Two Rattattas ran around us playing some type of Pokemon tag. I laughed a little as a pidgey flies by. Then landing on the Lab's window seal. 
    "So I asked Dawn to the dance." I said breaking the silence.
    I explained what happened. I explained that she had just kinda hesitated and then walked off.
    "Hmm. Weird. She doesn't seem like she would do that. Especially since she likes you."
    "What she does? I havent really thought so ever since the accident" I say admittedly saddened. "She's been kinda avoiding me."

   "I see your point, but even so she liked you before." She said staring, focused into my eyes. "I think you should go talk to her. Just stop being a nervous wreck. Be the old Ash, the one we all like. The one that kissed Dawn in the first place."
    Wait how does she know? What ever the reason I should probably take her advice!
     "I can tell by the funny looks on your face. I only know because I am the little sister of your best friend." Leaf said winking.  She looks down at her phone. The phone shows 2 O'clock.  "Hey go get her!  I have to go now. " She backs up and starts jogging back towards the house.
    Well I guess I now have to go see Dawn now.  I sprint towards her house.

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