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"the hardest part about breakup is that you cant be there for them anymore. when a relationship ends, not only do you lose your significant other but you also lose your best friend. you cant be there for them anymore and make sure they're okay and wipe their eyes. you just have to sit  down and shut your mouth and watch them find a new best friend, one who makes them laugh when they cry. they swear they'll never move on but two weeks later they have a new best friend who has safety and a fresh start written all over them. and sooner or later they will have completely moved on and someone else will learn the secrets they once told you in a dark room at three am. safety will learn old secrets that are permanently edged into your brain and new secrets that you could only guess at what they are. suddenly, you were just a lesson to them. a mistake. safety is their home now. safety is their best friend. safety is everything you were not. so you sit in your room at three am in the dark and try to remember their tone of voice when they said "i love you," if they held you like they meant it, or the way they looked in the morning before they had brushed their teeth or hair. you will remember how innocent they looked staring up at you. how their eyes screamed "stay forever." you will remember everything including the memories they are now making with their new best friend. how they are running around town without a are in the world. running red lights and dancing in the rain. you will sit in your room alone, while they are with safety. while they are building their new home." 

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