Satan Exposed!

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Several months have passed.  I started a journal, as suggested by Rita.  I was writing about my past when the Lord made sense of it all.  Everything I experienced and learned was for a reason: a revelation came to me.

Satan has a bloodline of people on the earth from fallen angels and women inter-marrying.  The families of satan cannot marry outside their bloodline: like the illuminati, and are given powerful positions: like the monarchy, leaders of nations, hollywood and musical fame.  These people need to shed blood to empower their inhabiting demons (these people are the actual host of the demonic spirits, like puppets).  Satan takes over humanity and enslaves them through media: TV for hypnosis and brainwashing; music to lead the masses astray and give them a false world view, Babylonian religions deifying 'self' and promoting false salvation through new age thinking and works, distraction through technology and having an 'elitist' perception of self, and trampling down the weak and needy. This is his agenda until he can bring total chaos into the world scene.  Once the world is completely out of order, he brings disasters, disease, wars, looting, murders and feeds on the fear of the masses.

Jesus knew we could never get free from satan's design and plan because our sin opens the door to satan's rights to harm us, and keeps us in chains to keep us sinning bringing addictions of all sorts.  Through His death on the cross, satan was defeated, and sealed his own doom crucifying the only sinless man(Jesus is God and Man) that ever lived.  Satan cannot ever be redeemed, but Jesus redeemed us through His sacrifice and shedding His own blood, suffering in our place.  He died and went into the lower regions to preach the doom of satan and his fallen angels and demons.  He took all authority and power away from satan.  He rose again to give us eternal life through our faith in Him.  His victory over satan left satan powerless, but satan found a new way to destroy us: by causing us to believe a lie: the lie that he doesn't exist, the lie that there are many roads to salvation, that we can be our own god, etc.  Everything he does is a lie, but people believe the lies, rejectiing salvation through faith in Jesus, thinking they are good enough to save themselves, or believing in reincarnation, etc.

There is coming on the scene 'another jesus' who is antichrist.  The true Jesus came in the flesh and His Hebrew name is Yashuah (or Yeshua), meaning 'the Hand that destroys the security (or establishment) of the eye'....which mystery schools use in their esoteric teachings: the eye of Horus, the 'all-seeing' eye in the pyramid- the ultimate lie of satan.  Stay with me now, because it gets complicated, unless you've been initiated into occult doctrine.  Jesus spoke in parables, exposing the works of darkness of the occult elite "illuminati" and their worship of the sun.  The sun represents the illuminated eye of god (their god, Lucifer).  Jesus essentially exposed Lucifer/satan and beat him at his own game: the Hand IS quicker than the eye!!!

Satan's next move is to bring total desolation to earth, and set up his false rescue with his 'son' (of perdition), the antichrist.  He will look good, sound good, and seem to be the answer the world has been waiting for, but he is in fact, the idol shepherd, and the one who will demand worship of himself and put his mark on his followers and bring hell on earth, and those who take his mark will be doomed forever.  The mark may have something to do with Saturn's hexagon shape(?).  Saturn is the 6th planet, Satur-day is the 6th day of the week, and the hexagram has 6 sides (like the star on Israel's flag!)  The hexagon is inside the hexagram star. Not certain, only a guess.  He will set up a false judgment of death by beheading of the true saints who refuse his mark and make up lies about them to convince those that aren't sure about taking the mark to convince them that he is a 'righteous judge'.

Once everyone has chosen sides, the True Jesus calls the righteous dead to life, and snatches the living believers from the earth!  Then satan and his followers experience what the've worked so hard for:  a world without God, without hope, without love, without laughter, without peace, without health.  It will be such torment that they will try to kill themselves, but death flees from them- they won't be able to die, because they are already in death--eternal death: the living dead!  Without God, there is NO LIFE!!  Our souls were created to live forever.  Our souls do not stop existing, whether in eternal damnation, or eternal blissfulness.  WE MUST CHOOSE whom we will serve.

God's wrath for the fallen will be poured out without measure--WITHOUT measure, forever on those who hated Him, His Truth, His Love, His Mercy, His Grace, and His Message.

Jesus makes a way out, to be forgiven, to live forever, and all we have to do is BELIEVE in HIM to get it.  A FREE GIFT!  Wow.

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