Secrets Aren't Secrets Anymore

451 21 12

Grace-lynn's POV

Getting ready, I slipped on a loose, pink shirt and skinny jeans. I stepped into black combat boots, and I put on a golden heart necklace. My hair was simple, along with my makeup. I wanted to see John as soon as possible on the first day back.

"Oh my gosh, I'm turning into a love-striken girl. Soon, I'm going to be stalking him all over school," I muttered out loud.

"Grace-lynn?" a hesitant voice sounded from behind me. I turned around and saw Cindy in my doorway. "Were you talking to me?"

My face grew red. "No. Just myself Cindy. Sorry."

"Okay, well, breakfast is downstairs if you want it," she said softly, and I smiled at her with thanks. Then I walked out of my room and to my car. I sped the whole way to school.

I wheeled into a parking spot and looked in my rear-view mirror to make sure I looked okay. "Maybe I should have put more makeup on," I whispered to my reflection.

A hand appeared in my side vision and knocked on the window. I jumped and male laughing reverberated from outside my car. I rolled the window down. "Who's out there?"

Anthony's smiling face came down in front of mine. "Your best friend."

"I don't see anyone like that around here," I joked and Anthony pouted.

"So what are you doing here early, Grace-lynn?"

I shrugged hesitantly. "No reason."

"I bet you came to find John."

I looked at him. "How did you know?" I asked in shock.

Anthony burst out laughing. "Oh my god, you are! Let me guess; you like him now!" When I didn't answer, he laughed harder. "You said you hated him. You're wrong! Does he know?"

I gave him a look. "Of course not dummy. I wouldn't tell him I like him. He obviously doesn't like me."

"Yes he does. John likes you a lot." We started arguing for a while, then he said, "I'll even prove it!" Derek happened to walk behind my car, and Anthony called him over. "Derek, Grace and I have a theory. I think John Locks likes her but she doesn't. You and Grace are going on a date so John can get jealous."

Derek's face looked hurt. I felt bad, but just because we went on one date....and kissed... doesn't mean anything! Right? "I guess we could see. If that's what you really want."

I started to protest but Anthony slapped a hand on my mouth. "Yes it's what we want. This is Operation Proof." I snorted and Anthony glared at me.

"You are so original," I teased.

Derek laughed a little. Anthony and Derek started planning this out and I sat there, bored in my car. After five minutes, I sighed and got out. "I'm going inside. You two losers can stay out in the cold and discuss if you want."

Once I got inside, I went straight to my locker. I stood there for a while, like an idiot, before I decided I should find a good place to wait for John. I spun around, and jumped. Melanie was standing right there.

I smiled awkwardly at her and tried to side-step her. But she grabbed my arm and dug her claws in. "How about you come help me with my homework, Grace-lynn."

I smiled at her. "Good morning Melanie." Her demon eyes narrowed. She spun on her heel and, with my arm still in her death hold, pulled me down the hallway. We stopped in front of the shop room and she pushed me in.

Once Melanie entered, she slammed the door behind her and pushed me into a random chair. "I know who you are, Grace-lynn Stalzer."

Hiding my fear, I calmly said, "I hope you know me. We used to be friends."

"Quiet! No one needs to be reminded of that."

"No one is here."

"Shut the hell up, nerd!" Melanie composed herself before continuing. "Grace-lynn, I mean that I know who you are behind those glasses. Funny how it took me this long to figure it out. Or anyone for that matter."

I just looked at Melanie and asked, "Who am I then?"

"You are the mysterious daughter of Peter Stalzer." She pulled the magazine from New Year's Eve out from her bag. It was open to the article about John and me. She pointed a claw at the picture of John's arm around my waist.

I looked away, chin trembling. "She knows. She knows. Someone else knows."

Melanie started screaming. "You have been the one with John all the time. You are reason he broke up with me! You took my John away from me, bitch!" I tried not to flinch at the word. "And you are a conniving liar!"

"That's a really big word for you, Melanie," I bravely spoke up. Next thing I knew, a slap sounded through the empty room and my cheek was stinging. Tears pricked my eyes.

"Don't talk to me like that! You deserve that for breaking up me and John! You think you're so smart, hiding yourself from the world." When I didn't look at Melanie again, she yanked my chin to make me face her. She got dangerously close to my face and whispered, "You better not cross me again, Grace-lynn. I can easily tell the whole world who the mysterious daughter is and your secret life will be over."

At that, Melanie stormed out of the room and I let myself gasp out loud. I can't believe that Melanie would be the one to find out. She is not the smartest person in this school, so I'm honestly surprised she figured it out.

I had managed to avoid Melanie the rest of the school morning. Thanks to extra makeup in my locker, I could camouflage the slap mark she left on my cheek.

It is now lunch time and I'm looking for a table to sit down out. Someone left their table so I claimed it as my own. John sat down next to me and I got conflicted feelings. My heart pounded at the sight of him and my brain got worried. Luckily Melanie never stepped foot in the lunch room today. "Hey, cupcake," he said with a smile and my worries just melted away.

"Hey John."

"You still haven't checked my English yet, cupcake. My tutor is slacking," he said with a click of his tongue.

I laughed. "Well, you haven't given me the chance." We sat and ate in silence before Anthony and Derek sat down. Anthony winked at me and I gave him a wondering look.

"Grace, I have a question," Derek stated and I suddenly remembered their intentions. "Will you go on another date with me?"

Anthony gave me a look and I shifted my glance to John. John's eyes were shooting lasers at Derek. I smiled and caught Derek's eyes. His eyes glanced at John and I nodded. "Sure, I'll go. Where do you want to go?"

"The movies. A new scary one is coming out that I'm looking forward too. How about two nights from tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm free then."

"Good!" Derek and Anthony both got up and walked away. I faced John at across the table and he was glaring at the two boys' backs.

"If looks killed, they would be six feet under, decomposing."

John jumped slightly, as if he forgot I was still here. "What?"

"Never mind," I said with a slight smile. When John continued to look at me, I saw his eyes focused on my face. My cheeks grew red and his eyes widened.

"I knew it! Who slapped you, Grace?"

"Who-, how-, what are you talking about?" I stuttered.

"Grace-lynn Stalzer, don't lie. I can barely see it, but it's there. Whose handprint is on your cheek?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, John."

He stood up with a pound of his fist. When the lunchroom fell silent, John just grabbed his tray and stormed away. I continued to eat because I didn't know what else to do.

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