Getting Noticed Cont.

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A/N: something happened to 'Part One,' I uploaded the whole chapter, but it didn't show up. Here is the rest... and I would combine them. But then I lose reads and comments. Selfish? Yes. But it's fine.

I turned around with disbelief. Who was trying to talk to me? Ready to fight back, the sight of the most beautiful green eyes stopped me from saying a word. The down side? It was Anthony, John's friend. I had to resist rolling my eyes. "Yes, Anthony?"

"You know, I have never noticed how entrancing you are." A blush instantly formed on my cheeks. Anthony smirked, seeing my cheeks. I wanted to sink into the cold ground.

"Nice SAT vocabulary. I'm so sure you believe that, player," I mumbled, willing my cheeks to cool down.

Anthony took a step closer. "Would I really lie to you?"

"Yes, you would. You just want to get in my bed. Well, I can tell you right now, you or anyone else will never get into my pants unless I'm in love. I will not have sex on a one-night fling."

Then I groaned internally. "Why did I ramble on like that? I need to control my mouth more often."

Anthony got closer and held onto my hands. "You're still a virgin?" I blushed. He laughed and continued, "Well, call me, pretty girl." Anthony released a single hand, slipped his own into my jean's back pocket, patted my butt, and left a note behind as he removed it.

"Pervert!" I yelled after him.

Anthony, turned around, winked, and yelled back, "Only for you!"

After school, downstairs in my house, I stared at the paper that had Anthony's number scrawled in messy handwriting. That's when John walked in to join me in the game room. Either he thrives on randomly appearing or I need to check my phone.

"What's that? Finally got a date?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Just a number." John snatched it and frowned.

"Anthony gave you his number?"

I narrowed my eyes behind my frames. "Why? Is it that hard to believe?"

He laughed. "No I know what he sees." John's eyes looked down at my chest. "I've definitely see what he sees. He will just use you. You do know that, right?"

"I don't know that, and you don't know that either."

"Grace-lynn, he carries slips of that paper around to give to girls. Anthony is my teammate; I think I know how his dating life goes."

I snatched the paper back and pulled out my phone. "I'm going to call him now!"

He picked up on the second ring. "Hi Anthony," I taunted into the phone speaker. John narrowed his eyes and I mouthed: 'I'm gonna get a date.'

"Grace-lynn. Your tough exterior can be broken. You calling to take me up on my date?"

"Anthony, I would be thrilled to go on a date with you." For once, I was smirking at John, instead of the other way around. 

"Tonight, 8 pm?" Anthony asked.

"Of course," I gushed, feigning excitement. "Just text me where." Without a goodbye, I ended the phone call.

When I looked back at John, his eyebrow was cocked. He asked, "Are you that stubborn to go out with him since I said no, or do you really want your heart broken?"

I mimicked him by raising my eyebrows. "Why would you care? I thought I don't matter."

John looked down, like he was actually ashamed. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Why did you then?" I said, getting mad. John just shrugged. "Oh, because you love Melanie so much that you would lie to make her happy! My bad, I forgot."

"I don't love Melanie!" John protested. "She is just my girlfriend."

"No, I bet you are just using her for her body. That's all someone like you does."

"Someone like me, or someone like Anthony? Anthony is the type of person that does stuff without caring for you. I actually care about Melanie, and all girls I date. Anthony doesn't. That's why you shouldn't go on a date with him."

"Why do you care what I do?" I demanded to know.

John didn't answer, and he just walked out.

I sighed and leaned into the couch. I guess John didn't need that much help with his homework if he was willing to leave like that. But if John isn't going to stick around, I'm going upstairs to get ready to see Anthony.

Author's Note: this is really short and so was the last chapter but if they were combined it would be a lot longer:) I'm so thankful for LizCapri right now! she is being such a supportive fan...that throwing that out there! 

Thanks to anyone else who is reading my stories, too. Love all of you! ♥ Carrington

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