part 1

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While Lauren Jauregui was a smart girl, she preferred to stray away from that side of her. Instead of being that hardworking student her parents probably wanted her to be, she took up cheerleading and parties. It's not that she didn't keep her grades up, she just didn't take classes that would actually challenge her. Sure, she took a few AP classes in her past years of high school, just to keep her parents happy, but there was always a side of her that wish she had done more. This year she was content with her class schedule, but she always dreaded one class in particular.

Fucking math. Gross. She had no idea who were teacher was, so she didn't know what to think of the class just yet, but she doubted she would enjoy it. Especially since it was her first period.

It was the first day of school and she decided to wear a black skirt with black stockings, black converse, and a light blue t-shirt tucked in.

Hell yeah, she looked cute as fuck.

She's had plenty of admirers, but no one caught her interest most of the time. She's gotten both boys and girls off, and they've done the same for her, but none of the people she's done that for were special enough for her to keep going back.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she got a text message from one of her closest friends, Normani, that she was outside her house ready to pick her up. She walked out her room, double checking her hair as she passed by the mirror, and said goodbye to her parents.

As she walked outside she saw Normani stick her head out the car window.

"Girl, give me a warning next time!" She shouted as she fanned herself. "You look so good, who you trying to impress?" She smirked as I got in the car.

"You." I winked and we laughed together.

We made conversation as she drove us to school about what we were looking forward to this year, and me complimenting Normani's naturally curled hair and cute outfit, but it ended after about 15 minutes when we finally arrived.

"Wait, where and what's your first class?"

"Uh," I said as I pulled out my schedule. "Pre-calculus honors with Cabello in room 727. Have you heard about him?"

"Can't say that I have. He might be new?"

"Yeah, I guess." I huffed. I would've really preferred to have a background knowledge of whoever was going to teach me my least favorite subject. All you get is the teachers last name by the course, and that's it. "Why'd you ask though?"

"I was gonna walk you to class, but we're on opposite sides of campus." She said as she frowned. She hugged me goodbye and we were on our separate ways to class.

I walked into the building and made it to the door of the room, noticing I was the first one there. Wow, I kind of felt like a loser. I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door was opened.

'Holy shit' I thought to myself. Cabello wasn't a man. She was a drop dead, gorgeous young woman. She wore a white long sleeved button up, tucked into black tight pants with a belt. Her hair was brought back into a pony tail with the bangs still out and Lauren couldn't help but stare.

"...Hello?" She said, obviously confused by Lauren's blank face.

"Oh, um- hi, sorry. I'm Lauren. Are you Ms. Cabello?" She mentally cursed herself. She was never nervous, and definitely never a stuttering mess.

She laughed softly, amused by Lauren's nervous greeting. "Hi, Lauren. I think I saw you on the roster. Come in, please." She opened the door slightly more and let me in. As soon as I stepped in, I dropped my phone.

"Great" I muttered to myself, as I reached down to get it. When I turned around after picking it up, I swear I saw Ms. Cabello's eyes shoot up, as if they were looking somewhere they shouldn't have been. She seemed to have noticed me catching on, so she walked around past me to her desk and looked down at a piece of paper.

"Ah, Jauregui, right?" She asked. I nodded while I smiled slightly and thought about how she was the first teacher I've ever had to say it correctly.

"You're actually closest to my desk." She said as she patted the table right by her.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll enjoy being here." I said, slightly flirtatiously.

She quirked an eyebrow at me, but before she could say anything, students started to pour into the room. They all muttered 'hello' and 'mornings' showing they would rather be anywhere but here.

She smiled brightly at every single one that said something to her. She seemed like she would be passionate at this. It was endearing.

The late bell rang and everyone was situated into their seats by then. She told everyone to quiet down, as she made her way to the front.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Ms. Cabello." some students said hi back, but not really. "I'm just going to say some things about me, and then we'll go around the room and do the same for you. I'm 23 and this is my first year teaching. I graduated high school and college early, earning a degree in both math and music. I actually went to this school." She said, smiling, finishing up her introduction. I was definitely interested in the fact that she has a degree in music. Gorgeous and talented? She was something else.

I then realized she just smiled and pointed to me, showing it was my turn to go.

"Hi, I'm Lauren Jauregui. I'm into cheerleading and I like music." I smiled back at her and she seemed like she wanted to ask me some questions, with her eyes looking all over me, but she just went onto the next person, seeming to have shaken herself out of her thoughts.

After the rest of the 19 kids in the room introduced themselves, she continued to speak. "So, as all of you know, this is pre-calculus honors. I figured that since math isn't everyone's strong suit, I'll be here before school, during my personalization period, lunch, and after school to give help to anyone that needs it."

'That's so sweet of her' I thought.

"I don't have any requirements for this class other than a notebook. I would prefer if you kept some papers in a binder, but that's not mandatory. If money is a problem, don't hesitate to ask me for anything." She finished up, smiling. She walked over to her desk and brought out a stack of papers.

"Now, as much as I don't want to be that teacher, I think it's best if we do this." She passed out the papers and she continued speaking. "This is a pre test, just so I know where you are in this subject. I won't be mad if you fail it, just please try your best."

I opened it to see there was 30 questions, giving me only 1 minute for each question until the bell rang. Shit! I started to fill out my name and date, and then continued onto the questions. I was almost done with the first page when the bell rang. What!? I looked up to see everyone was done and was handing the packets back to Ms. Cabello. Everyone left the room and I was just standing by her desk.

"Um, I didn't really finish." I said awkwardly, handing over the packet.

"I know, it's okay." She said sincerely. "I saw you scrunched up your face at a lot of questions. If you have any troubles I recommend you come get some lessons from me."

I couldn't help but blush at the part where she said she saw me scrunch up my face. That meant she was looking at me.

"Thank you so much." I said with a big smile and grabbed my bag and headed out the door. Before It shut, I turned my head to see her looking at my legs.

What an interesting class it's been.

'Only 3 more classes of the day' I thought to myself as I walked to second period. I didn't have the full 7 classes like everyone else because I took some classes online to get the credit early, so I would have a less stressful senior year. All my free spaces were filled with study halls, which I was thankful for. More time after school to do cheerleading and whatever I want.

I think some time after school I might drop by room 727.

Y'know, just for that extra help.

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