Fitst Day!

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Beep.....Beep..B-i  slammed the button on the clock!"Yawn wow the first day of college what a miracle". Ashlyn said in a sarcastic way. Ashlyn's pov:I wonder if there will be any cute guys?Or will there be any nice people or j-just wow!I couldn't imagine what college would be like?

"Sweetie time for breakfast"!My mom called."OK coming down"I replied I slipped on a gray sports bras and some leggings that went down to my knees and a baggy tank top with some black Nike shoes and I was ready! So I went down stairs grabbed a banana along with my bag.And said"Bye Mom love you" Bye Sweetheart Have a good day!My mom said.I grabbed my bike and bolted to school!And while I was on my way I heard someone behind me an it turns out to be a teen-ager right beside me."Hey"I said."Hi how's it going my names Aston" he replied.I finally found the school and Holy CRAP!!It was big!Right when I got there I singed up for basketball tryouts. But most likely I thought they would say no but they said...YES!!!!

Ashlyn's Pov:Wow this school is big..How am I ever gonna find my way around.RRIINNGG!School is out time to go home. I wonder if I will see That Aston kid again if not no big deal I thought in a sarcastic way.

So I  grabbed my bike and bolted home as fast as I could!And when I got there my mother was at work so I had the house all to myself.I warmed up some meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy.A free I ate my dinner I watched some TV until I heard my doorbell go RING!SO I got up and answered it and it was Aston.

"Hi Aston" I said "How did you Know I lived here? I asked

   "Well it is kind of easy when you see that same exact person go in and out of the same house soo...."

   " What were you doing stocking me?
"No" he said with a giggle."It's called seeing you come out of the same exact house when you come up a hill! He replied.

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