Lauren PV

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I was waiting on line ready to go on XFactor where many was also waiting along with me ready to live our Dream, I knew I wanted this more then anything. I always had that time of day where I practice at home with papa jauregui and mama jauregui along with my sister Taylor and my brother chris every afternoon, usually everyone teased me saying I didn't have to really practice because i was a natural but I had this mindset that I felt like if I didn't practice or put effort,then this is not my passion. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I realized the line started moving I followed along until I sat with a number on my shirt, ready to be called
Moments after all the waiting and me getting anxious by the minute, I felt super nervous,not only because I was sure I was going to preform live in front on thousands or millions of people and maybe international tv but because many went in and not all had 4 yes's. Maybe my thoughts were killing me even before Iwent up. A few moments passed by and a man came and yelled a number and I look down which I had a number placed on the middle of my Blue shirt and I quickly jumped to my feet.

"Im here" quickly clearing my throat
I looked back at my family looking at them pleadntly

"Go on baby we'll be here watching
you, remember dont forget to breathe in and out" mama jauregui smiled and nodded to go on along with my fathers approval.

I jogged to the man with the microphone on his hands ready to be handed to me as I received the microphone heading to the stage, In front of millions and finally took a deep breath.

"This is it ,you got this jauregui " I said to myself, tryed to push my anxious away.

"Hey, Goodluck kid" the guy who just handed me the microphone said

Nodding at the guy who wished me goodluck I went on, walking and soon was in front of thousands of people and 4 judges ready to set a destination for my future.

"Hi how are you" simon spoked up being the judge who broke the silence.

"Hello, good thank you" I tryed to laugh my anxious away.

"Whats yout name?" Simon wanting to know more of me.

"My names Lauren" I said in confidence.

"Lauren?.. " wanting to know the full name.

"Lauren jauregui " I said while pulling the microphone closer to my mouth.

"Okay,where you from lauren? He spoked up.

"Im from Mami,Florida " saying it proudly
     As I said it, a roar of the crowd filled up, blushing a little i tryed hiding my smile just a litte to let them know i was bisness here.

"How old are you lauren?" Simon asking yet another question.

"Im 16, I just turned 16" I said to him.

"Congrats" he said knowing it was enough questions to fill his curiosity.

"Thank you" trying to be polite.

"And um why you here lauren? "He said
thinking he was done asking questions but I knew what to answer.

"Im here to presue my dreams,and become what I always wanted to be" I said, telling him that straight from my heart.

"What are you going to sing? He said convincing me it was his last question.

"If I aint got you by alicia keys" choosing a song I had adored at the moment.

As I stepped back, I heard the music begin and I took a deep breath and I let myself sing from the heart:

Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
Some people live for the power, yeah
Some people live just to play the game
Some people think that the physical things define what's within
And I've been there before, and that life's a bore
So full of the superficial
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
As I finished my last words I looked up and seeing Simon holding up a thumbs up, thats when I started to feel like is this real? or am I dreaming? state.

"And that Lauren is how.. you.. do it"
Simon said feeling nothing but proud for the young girl.

"Oh my god, that husky round so mature, it was perfect, a perfect audition" the last judge at the end added.

"thank you so much,thank you" I said now unable to hold back that smile and butterflys in me.

"I thought you were unbelievable, you were so good sweetie" Brittany said adding on to the judges.

"thank you " I said unbelieving what was happening.

As I stood and brushed my hair back with my hands I awaited for the last judge, being demi to tell me what she had to say.

"You have something really special about you, like.. I cant believe you're just only 16, with that voice, im just really that impressed"demi saying it like she didn't know how else to explain her joy for the young girl.

"Thank you soo much, you dont know what that means to me" I laughed blushfully so hard now unable to hide how I felt when she told me this.

"This competition just got stiffer because of you "one on judges added as I reaseved All Yess's.

I Thank fully left the stage jugging to my family and joined a big hug to papa jauregui and along the others. I couldn't believe what happened, mix of emotions I was feeling, it was unexplainable.

"Did you hear what they said?, omg,you dont understand i was like ughh what?, im sooo Happy" I tryed explaining my family how I felt
but unable to hold my tears of joy I decided to sit. I thought to myself this is just the beginning to my dream, everything from now on will change if I keep this up. Sitting back, I re-thought everything the judges told me, I held on to what they all said and Now im going to use what they said as a motive and confidence.
"This is it jauregui, you're going after what they said I couldn't have"knowing my family and friends always supported me, I still manage to said.
I never been this determined and close to my dream in my life and it feels so good, this is just the beginning I kept repeating to myself.

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