Camila PV

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Moving around here and there wasn't my thing for sure, I hated it.
My family and I settled in Florida, Mami, and my parents had told me this was our last place we was going to settled, which thank god we did, I hated change. It made me stress out because I knew I had to keep starting again with making new friends in school but for me I always let it out by singing. Singing to me was my passion. Ill rather sing in my room or with my family aside of me rather than to go out with my friends. I wasn't antisocial of course not, I just prefer singing over everything else. I told my mom I wanted her to come with me to an XFactor audition as a birthday present for my Quince anos, because for once I wanted something I could make out of rather then to just wear it, you know?

"Of course sweetie,you know me and your father will always support our little princess" mama cabello added to my question of going on XFactor.

I marked the days ready for the audition. I was excited yet nervous, I practice enough to make sure everything would go great and marking down each day on the calendar also made me anxious.

It was the day of the audition to XFactor, man was I nervous. My hands were already starting to get sweaty and I couldn't help but wipe my hands on my jeans I wore every 5 seconds. I remember standing on line along with many other people but I was told that I might not perform on live tv fully only a part, which would be cut off then but the audience would see me, thats all I cared. It was either sing or let my dreams pass by,that wasn't a choice I wanted to make so of course I wanted to go on even if the people on tv couldn't see me I just wanted to prove to those who watch me that a girl like me can make it but most of all I wanted to prove to myself that anything was possible even if you're not part of a country that everyone expects you to be successful just like that. They gaved me a number and I placed it on my shirt and I sat down waiting to be called upon but it felt like forever. I watched those that perform and one had cought my attention,there was this girl who sanged so beautiful and good that ive never heard before. She had a beautiful raspy voice to her and all I thought was that she might be competition to me now too. she had impressed all the judges and this called for a " I better give it my all to impressed them as well or im going home" mindset. I think her name was "lauren jau..regui" I struggled to pronounce her last name.
She seemed she knew what she was doing and that to me boost my Conference to go after this dream more than anything. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when a man called out a number I looked down on my shirt I quickly jumped on my feet being the last few contested.

"Im right here, sir" I managed to say as I huged my mom and dad Cabello and my little sister sofi and now speed walking to the guy with the microphone on his hands ready to be handed to me.

"Break a Leg " the man smiled at me as he handed the microphone.

He seemed nice so i nodded in aprovel.

"Thank you" being the last thing before I was ready to walk in stage.

My breathing becoming heavyer by the minute as I walked in stage and seeing all 4 judges and making me feel quite sick but happy.

"Hello there ,whats you're name?"simon said
Without a hesitation i answered his question.

"My name is Camila Cabello and im from Mami Florida" I said quite nervously.
Another judge spoke up after;

"What do you do when you're not singing? "he said wanting to know more of me.

"Um I would love to say something interesting but all I do is sing karaokes and watch one direction Videos"
I said nervously and regretting what I had just said.
Hearing the judges laughing at my comment I heard demi speaking up.

"So what you singing for us Camila?"
She said.

"I will be singing, Respect by Aretha franklin" I spoked up.

Seconds later I heard the song starting and I then let myself get taken away with the sound of the song.

-What you want
Baby, I got it
What you need
Do you know I got it
All I'm askin'
Is for a little respect when you get home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)
I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong cause I don't wanna
All I'm askin'
Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)

-Ending the song I then faced the judges and all 4 were standing up. I tryed to fight my tears of joy but I was just so happy.
Each judges saying what they had to say until simon was the last one to say.
"Wow you being an altemate which means that we are not live right now and having a 1% chance of performing is just so stunning, I wish we had more time so others in the television would see how amazing you're performance was and Great job you nailed it"
simon said being nothing but proud.

Leaving with all 4 yes's, I couldn't believe that I had made it this far. I joined my family who was waiting for me and I let out the tears of joy along with them.Them being proud of me felt so good but also nothing felt so Good then to come and accomplish the beginning of a Dream and maybe give the life my family so much Deserve. I sat where all the others had made it, and I spotted the girl I had seen earlier,now Acknowledging she had some beautiful emamrald eyes. I've decided I needed to make new friends like I always had been doing all my life, this wouldn't be so different then the others ive made in the past.

Walking up to the girl earlier I tryed to start a conversation, nevously.

"Hey I like you're Shirt" I said to the girl with nice green eyes, and also thinking to myself of course camila you had to say something so boring and wack now she wont want to be friends with you.

Looking at me all confused at my question I had made, she looked down at the shirt she was wearing and smiled.

"Thank youu" she said sort of trying to hide a simple blush from a simple compliment.
As I walked alway after a Long conversation of how proud we was of getting yes's and almost not remembering what had happened, I couldn't help to say "Dang and she's pretty too".

Maybe this X factor thing isn't so bad after all, besides how nervous I get, this is all that I so much needed infact.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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