The little Newsie

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Sullivan's POV

"Come on let's go get up " Our lodge keeper says

"SULLIVAN" He shouts at me don't get me wrong though he's a great guy

" Wha...I didn't do it" I shout jumping up

"What ya mean ya didn't do it get up!" He shouts

I slip out of bed and put on my blue button up shirt , black pants and suspenders and boots .

"Where's my hat at" Mush screams

"I'd like to know where mines at to" I say

Race :That my cigar ?

Snipeshooter :You'll steal anodar

Blink :Hey bums quit it we got work ta do"

Kid :Since when did you become a Mada

Crutchy :aw quit ya bawling


"Ya now I think Sullivan should be the Mada" Blink said

I chuckle "Just cause I'm a goil ain't mean I'ma gonna be your Mada"

We walk into the wash room and I pull my dirty blond hair into a braid.

"So Jack how's ya sleep" Mush asks

"On my back mush" Jacks sleepily replies

"Here that boys I asked how jack slept last night and he said ' on my back mush'! " We all laugh

Jack walks up to me and throws and arm over my shoulder.

"Hey you two when I walk does it look like I'm fakin' it " Crutchy asks

"Who says you faking it" I ask

By now all the boys are either shaving or getting ready in other ways

"No one it's just that there are a lot fake crips in New York , I gotta find I new selling spot" he replies

Mush : Try bottle alley or the harbor

Race : Try Central Park it's guaranteed

Jack : try any banker , bum or barber

Skittery : they's almost alls knows how da read

Blink walks outta the bathroom and I laugh at him

Blink : I smell money

Crutchy : you smell foal

Blink is about to come at him but Mush steps in. And I chuckle at how stupid they are

Mush : met this goil last night

Crutchy is trying to shave but Johnny's elbow is in the way

Crutchy : move your elbow

Race has soap in his eyes and looks around for a towel. Skittery is about to pass it to him when I take the towel out of his hand.

Race : pass the towel !

Me : For a Buck I might

Jack snatches the towel and throws it to Race . We all run downstairs chanting while poor kloppman try's to count us. We continue our little rant until we arrive at Newsie Square . I secure my cap so no one except the newsies now I'm a girl.Just as I do so the Delancey brudders show up .

" Dear me ! What is that unpleasant aroma !" Race says , we all chuckle that is except the Delancey brudders .

"I fear the sewers might've back up over night " Boots says fake gagging

"No it's to rotten to be the sewers" Crutchy says

"It must be the Delancey brudders" I laugh as well as the rest of the boys

Oscar , one of the brudders, grabs snipeshooter by the back of the neck and throws him to the ground.

Morris says" Back of the line , street rat"

"It's not good to do that. Not healthy " I say to Oscar as Jack helps snipe up

"Oh yeah and who's gonna stop me sweetheart" He says getting in my face

I fake blush and play along with my little act " well you know what " I say sweetly

"What ?" he says obviously buying it

I give him a death look " I hate being a sweetheart " I remark and punch him in the jaw. He's about to fight back but the boys stand in front of me.

"Lousy shrimp"

"You shouldn't call people people lousy shrimps Oscar . That is unless your referring to the family resemblance in your brudda here" Jack says to him pulling his attention away from me

"5-1 that cowboy skunks 'em , who's betting " Race says gabbling like usual

"That's right . It's an insult . So's this"

Jack knocks Morris's hat off and runs away with Morris right behind him but I kick him in the shine. And I run right after Jack . Partners in crime is what they call us . I run into a boy about sixteen , knocking me down

"What do you think you're doing" he asks Jack

"Runnin' " I answer for Jack

I circle around the boys and hide behind Race

"Wha da " he turns around to look at me and grind like a dork.

"Shhh" I put my finger on my mouth and wink .

I turn my attention to where jack is now fighting the Bradda's and him obviously winning and the brothers running away scared.

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