The new newsies

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Sullivan's POV

"100 papes your honor" I say sarcastically

"100 papes for the lady"

I walk away and start reading the paper to see if there are any good storys. I soon feel someone grab my wrist and tug at it . I look to see who it is

"Oscar, Morris I have better things to do then deal with the likes of you so ya mind leavin' ? " I ask them

"No way we have some unfinished buisness" Morris says

"Listen just cause I hit Oscar and he's to much of a baby to get over it doesn't mean yous get to attack me" I tell 'em

"We could use the company"

"Yeah and we could use a hundred bucks , ya gots any ?" Mush said. Thank God

"No ? Mhmmm well that's a shame ain't it blink" Race said

"Yeah it is so why don't you remove your hands from her body before I remove your hands from your body" Blink replied

They Delancey's scrambled away. I sighed in relif

"Thanks you guys I owe ya one" I said to three of my best friends .

I start to walk away but they bloke my path and smirk at me.

"What can I do for ya boys" I ask them already knowing

"The usual payment of course " Race says

They bend down a little so I can kiss them in the cheek. Ya see whenever they get me outta trouble I give them a kiss since it doesn't happen very often to 'em.

"Hey Sully they hurt ya" Jack asked me

"Na they made my old shiner come back though" I show him my arm

We sit down with race and look through the papes . "baby born with two heads , must be from Brooklyn " Race says

" I payed for twenty papes I only got nineteen " the kid I ran into said

"You accusing me if lying" Weasel asks

"No I just want me paper" The kid said

I look over to jack and we stand up ready to interfere.

"No it's 19 it's 19 but it was an honest mistake" Jack says

"Yeah I mean Morris here can't count to twenty with his shoes on" I say earning a few laughs.

"Hey Race spot me two bits " I say to him

He throws it to me and I place it in jacks hand.

"50 papes for our friend here" Jack says to weasel

"No I don't want another 50" The kid says

"Sure ya do every Newsie wants more papes" I say shrugging

"No I don't take charity" He said

"Cowboy, the called him Cowboy" A kid around nine said to the older one.

"Yeah they call me that and a lot if other things, including Jack Kelly that's what my Mada called me" He said

"Whats they call you" I ask the younger kid

"Les and this is my brother David , he's older

"Huh no kidin' " I say

" Me? Near 10." Les says

"Near 10. Well, that's no good. if anyone asks, you're 7. You see, younger sells more papes and if we're gonna be partners, we wanna be the best." Jack says

David frowns" Wait. Who said anything about being partners?"

"Well, you owe me 2 bits right? Well, I'll consider that an investment.
We sell together, we split 70-30, plus you get the benefit of observing me and Colt over here, no charge."

Colt's my Newsie nickname along with Sullivan and Big-Shot.

David laughs in a high voice" Ah-ha."

Jack mocks him" Ah-ha."

Crutchy backs us up" You're getting the chance of a lifetime here,
Davey. You learn from Jack and Colt, you learn from the best."

David snorts" Well, if he's the best, then how come he needs me?"

Jack seems a little thrown back" Listen,I don't need you, pal,but I ain't got a cute little brudder like Les here to front for me. With this kid's puss and my God-given talent, we could move a thousand papes a week. So what do you say Les? You wanna sell papes with me?" He remarks

David holds out his hand. Jack spits on his hand and reaches for David, who pulls his arm away.

Jack looked at him with a frown
" What'sa matta?"

David looked at him like he was crazy
" That's disgusting!"

We all laugh at him and make our way through the gates. Jack turns back to David

"So why'd ya only take 20 papes" He asks

"Bad head lines"He replies

"One thing you gotta learn Davey , Headlines don't sell papes Newsies sell papes" I say earning shouts from all the boys.

We all headed our separate ways and me Jack , Davey , and Les all head toward the boxing ring. I stop when we're have way there to sell a few papes and continue walking. We arrive at the boxing ring and I secure my cap so no one nows I'm a girl.

"Baby born with 2 heads , Brooklyn is proud of there new citizen" I shout earning a few pennies from this.

"Ellis Island in flames , terrifies many" Jack shouts

"Ohio father kills his children" I shout again

"Colt where does it say that story" Davey asks me

"Thank you ma'am , page nine Davey , much obliged sir" I say while collecting pennies .

"Page 9 , father kills first deer of the season children proud " He says confused .

Les comes up to us and I kneel down to his size.

"Yous start at the back like wes told ya to " Jack asked him

"Yeah " He answered

"Guy gave me a quarter give some more papes" he said

I handed him 5 but David stopped him from walking away.

"You smell like beer" he frowned

"Yeah that's how I got the quarter he bet I wouldn't drink if " He said matter-of-factly

"No drinking on the job kid. What if someone called the police on ya " Jack smirked

David raised his hand over to the side
of the ring " you now him " he said

I look over to where he's pointing. Snyder , the guy who put me and Jack in the refuge. I gripped jacks arm like my life depended on it.

"Run it's the bulls" Jack said in panic

I picked up Les since he was light and put him on my back and ran after Jack with David behind me.

We ran into a apartment building and ran up the stairs . I jumped over a drunk man sleeping on the stairs.

"Sleeper!" I shouted to Davey behind me . We kept running to the roof and I put Les down and me and Jack jumped the ledge . David and Les look to the ledge confused and I pop my head up telling them it's only a few feet down.

"Sullivan I will get you two back in the refuge" Snyder shouted not knowing the trick we played in him.

We reach the sidewalk and David stops running

"I want answers " he demanded " now "

I pull them into Irving hall through the back door. This is where our good friend Medda performs.

"Why was he chasing you and what's this refuge" David asks

"He was chasing us because we escaped the refuge , it's a place where kids go if the break the law and that guy who was chasing us was Snyder , he's the warden " jack explains

We stay in there for a half an hour more and then go outside.

"Why don't you guys come to our place." David says

"No thanks Brooklyn's coming over to play poker and I ain't missing it for the world " I say . I always found it hilarious when the boys would play together , of course I only know a few of the boys .

"Ok I'll meet up with ya afta I'm going with Davey" Jack said

I am only a few blocks away when I get pulled into an alley and I see the glimpse of a knife.


Please keep reading guys . Spot and the rest of the boys are coming next chapter .

Bye my shmexy people , stay handsome

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