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Ok so my phone is being dumb so let's get started plz comment or like my story and tell stuff you think I need more or less of ok sorry abou the A/n. Me: as we wake up I see her Malachite Cipher well reverse me from reverse falls argh ( ok so I love gravity falls and well Monica is based off the show and Cody from yo-Kai watch and Nate from yo-Kai watch sorry back to the book). She is reverse dippers girlfriend I mean yeah he has his charm but that's it!! Mal: Good your awake and meet my assistant Syeda (if you know who I'm talking about she is in my class) Syeda: well I finally get to meet a cipher and she is weak her farther is so awesome how he killed 10,000 people for nothing so much blood !! Me: you will never get away with this Mal that's why your boyfriend dipper is in prison for life now and the good dipper is at school now haha!!      Mal: so I'll end him later good night you three hahahahahahahhHh

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